Was going to say, you said, now putting my comment to reinforce yours.
Was going to say, you said, now putting my comment to reinforce yours.
The people behind the scenes of Ellen’s show aren’t working in bumblefuck with no unionization or human resources. They’re grown ass people that I’m sure have held other positions before they got hired for the Ellen show. If that workplace has become so toxic their first stop should have been HR not fucking twitter.
To be fair, really? Fair? When the other side has no decency, no morals, and does not understand the concept of “fair”, I decline to offer any semblance of fairness to them. As they sow, so shall they reap. The statement from them could have as easily said “peasant”, as that is what they mean. Using a euphemism is not…
5th Gear: The UK Is Phasing Out Internal Combustion Engines—Carmakers Say The Poor Will Pay
If a little “curb contact” busts a ball joint or breaks a control arm, your car is a piece of shit. Go walk down your street and you’ll probably find curb rash on 9 out of 10 sets of wheels. Then note how many of them also have busted ball joints.
You are a moron.
No the weight goes straight to his face.
Could it be that the type of people that buy EVs (disproportionately affluent, white collar, well educated, homeowners, with another car) are less affected by COVID than your average car buyer? You can’t just say because EV sales dropped less than the car market as a whole, that EVs milquetoast sales was entirely…
their profit wasn’t from making cars, but rather selling emissions credits to other car companies
Pretty sure no one was asking him to apologize for those.
See I thought the qualifier “actual” implied the author is aware the conspiracy refrain of toxic chemicals being in those literal clouds is nuts.
He still is.
“the world’s greatest civilization.”
The US has been subsidizing low drug prices around the world for decades, sometimes to the detriment of our own impoverished citizens.
You’re welcome to throw your parents into the grist mill. I’m not. Neither are their grandkids or great grandkids. We ALL understand the odds and the stakes, and we’re willing to put up with a great deal of inconvenience.
I trust her guidance in this because she definitely seems like someone who shops for her own groceries and has worked hard to determine which brand of beans makes the dishes she prepares as good as can be.
Anand Ghiridharadas is a great read on why philanthropy is not only a drop in the bucket, it provides cover for rich people who often then turn around and use their economic power to support politicians and policies that make them richer at the expense of the rest of society.
So, again, your argument is that because sometimes people are harmed at protests that gives a driver the right to slam the gas pedal down and mow through whatever group of people are protesting in front of him? Regardless of context or circumstance?
Not quite sure what your point is here. That, because people were shot at one protest, in one location, means that it’s OK to mow down all protestors in all locations in all circumstances with your car?