I know, I know, but if they’re gonna waste time asking questions at all, they should at least focus on this week’s scandals and not rehash old crap.
I know, I know, but if they’re gonna waste time asking questions at all, they should at least focus on this week’s scandals and not rehash old crap.
Be honest, you’re not mad that there’s “politics” on Jalopnik, you’re mad because there’s politics you don’t agree with on Jalopnik.
It appears to be a Bimini Twist Knot (a common fishing loop knot) to me to simply to make it easier to pull down the garage door.
Except he is still a victim. No, not with the noose (alleged or otherwise) directly, but with the response. All this needed from anyone was “Oh, it’s not a hate crime. This is good news!”
A noose is designed to slip on the fixed end. So if you grab it by the loop and pull, you’re going to close the loop around your hand, then you have to wiggle your hand out of it and loosen it again. If you want a loop to pull on, you don’t tie a noose, you tie a bowline.
If only sarcastic cynics with a superiority complex weren’t in short supply.
Any police here want to push the limitations of the Blue Wall of Silence on this matter?
“Um...actually the alt-right is just hate groups that violently and repeatedly targets people of color and LGBTQ individuals, they’re NOT terrorists. And sure they commit most of the mass shootings we’ve seen in the last few years around the world, they ARE NOT TERRORISTS”
Your second attempt isn’t much better.
Which ones, the ones who were off by 500,000 deaths or the Swedish ones who have been taking shit for being mostly right?
I’d rather they plan for any contingency besides “all the income, all the time”.
I mean, lots of companies have money on reserve & I don’t hear anything about it. If people were going to get bent out of shape over that, wouldn’t something like a college having over $40 billion in their endowment but still charging tuition cause an outrage, because it hasn’t...
Yeah, god forbid they actually act like responsible corporate “citizens” by paying their workers a decent wage, setting aside a little money for a rainy day, and not greedily lapping up huge tax cuts and spending all the money on stock buybacks to artificially inflate their value to keep Wall Street happy.
Longtime emergency managers at FEMA are working with military officials to sort through the competing offers and federal procurement rules while under pressure to give President Trump something to announce.
I really don’t see how hydrogen will ever take over. Electrolysis is basically the only way to produce it that could be carbon free, and why would you decide to store that electricity in hydrogen if you can do it in a battery and skip all the conversion losses.
Hydrogen is the fuel of the future...and always will be.
Factually, distracted driving with phones makes you drive just as poorly as a drunk driver. Food for thought. Why doesnt the Government look into these programs ALSO?
Your opinion is mistaken, and is a legacy of the “Lost Cause” Southern apologist mythology.