David Puddy the 2nd

A 5'9" tester? So an average height male is used as a tester for “best cars for tall people.”’

What philosophy is this? Cut corners and outsource everything?

A notorious boy’s club won’t do whatever it takes to sweep an embarrassing matter concerning their top team’s director under the rug?

The issue is that RBR is not being transparent at all about their internal investigation. If there was enough to clear Horner they surely would’ve released the information. At this point we don’t even know the name of the lawyer who conducted the investigation. One can assume that if they did the credibility of the

Door sized holes in their lineup, surely.

Black Dwarves in LotR is just absurd”

I’m paraphrasing Robert Wright, but we are running 21st century software on 50,000 year old hardware.

It’s cute that you think high level paparazzi are “working class.”

The bigger story is, why the goddamn hell did the Attorney General Biden appointed have to pick this guy? Why.”

Well, if they’re employees of a company selling his product their job is, in a sense, help this guy (and many other corporations) make money.”

Your bias is showing too, bub.

Not getting the right to vote or run for government seems like a penalty to me.

Let me ask you to, once again, re-read the definition of bias and stop stupiditly claiming that it’s synonymous to having an opinion on anything”

You clearly haven’t heard of this thing called editorials. Where journalists frequently offer their opinions on matters.

Free life tip: everyone is biased. Including you. Attempting to be unbiased in everything is morally wrong because you turn into a useless both-sideser.

What’s wrong with bias?

I mean, did anyone really expect Ubisoft to do something groundbreaking?

You do realize I never brought up the US and that it was another poster, right? I’m perfectly fine with giving you the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up to Kinja killing off profile pics and my circle being the same colour as someone else. At least it would explain a lot.

And you’re not changing my mind either so why the fuck would you bother even replying?