David Puddy the 2nd

May want to re-read what you’ve quoted.

The point is that conscription is a necessary part of many states to bolster their security. Do you think it’s a coincidence that every county that borders Russia except Lithuania has conscription, including NATO members? Now imagine your neighbor isn’t Russia but the insane regime in North Korea. Like it or not, part

State priorities dictate your life in ways you can even see most of the time. From the moment you are born you are being molded into what your state expects from you. Conscription is just another part of that in many countries.

Maintaining a professional army means nothing when your enemy vastly outnumbers you. Conscription is meant to provide a country able bodied soldiers who don’t need to go through extensive retraining in case of war.

Denmark isn’t under constant threat from a hereditary hermit kingdom led by a series of psychopaths with whom you’re still technically at war with.

Game Pass is a silly subscription service? This is a phenomenally stupid take.

Nope but you don’t have to be to understand that trademark and copyright are not the same under the law in either country. The OP said Japanese copyright law but then quoted for evidence a document that has trademark in the title.

Trademark /= copyright.

Not sure if this modder realizes it, but rescaling the models absolutely counts as editing them.”

Do I really need to elaborate that the vast majority of pirates couldn’t give less of a shit about preservation and are either trying to score a quick buck or are just someone who never grew past the anarchist/nihilist phase?

Right, “preservation.”

I was hoping our resident Charger Stan was as much a fan as I was of this design.

It shows that Star Wars will play it safe in terms of what they produce especially if they can capitalize in merchandise. The likelihood of getting something like Andor again seems very remote, almost far, far away.

You honestly sound like a skinny bitch who saw a girl that had more muscles than you and had an existential crisis as a result.

If you think your reply was any less superficial then you have quite possibly the lowest self-awareness on Kotaku.

Wow... what did The Adventures of Cookie & Cream ever do to you?

They are purposely threading a line where they can say it’s just a number but whose meaning is immediately discernable.

People don’t want or need art? Ok bud sure we’ll take your word for it.

No I know the court is right because he repeatedly stated he would recommit his crimes if given the chance and repeatedly assaulted guards.

Do you think they just brought him in front of a judge and he just arbitrarily said prison hospital? He was evaluated by professionals but I guess that’s an appeal to authority fail too. I guess by your line of reasoning all of science is an appeal to authority fail as well?