Seems like the courts that tried him did have the resources and evidence to make the judgment and did.
Seems like the courts that tried him did have the resources and evidence to make the judgment and did.
It is a life sentence only in the sense that if he does not get better through therapy that he will stay in the hospital prison for the remainder of his life. Considering he has severe autism and has shown to be violent, he may well stay in the hospital prison for the rest of his life, but it could also be that he…
Yes, on aggregate it is better but no, the rich getting richer is a recent trend. And saying “hey, things are better now than in 1923" is not the argument you think it is when you consider how much rising inequality is degrading society. There’s a reason why Cato Institute’s “most important graph” does not focus on…
“Be content with your crumbs peasants.” See? I can be flippant and dismissive of counter arguments too.
Citing the Cato Institute is one hell of thing to cite in a thread where you say AI is going to make everything better, like automation did before (it did for a few at the expense of many losing their livelihoods), or industrialization did before (it did for a few at the expense of many losing their livelihoods). The…
Are you comparing paying one person more salary than they should to relocating an automotive manufacturing plant? Because one of those is not quite like the other.
What’s stopping companies? You mean besides the massive cost of relocating plants, redoing supply chains, training new staff, providing severance to employees, etc? Nothing I guess.
You don’t think there’s a difference between an F150 grill and the sharp pointed beak of the Cybertruck?
Of course they are making it to the news. Here’s a quick one just on this very site you are reading.
Promising an open world game and delivering an extraction shooter is more than just “underdelivering.”
Are you kidding? There’s literally been studies that show trucks are more lethal to pedestrians and other cars. The experts are saying that the LowPolyTruck will be even worse due to its particular design.
Hey, feel free to correct the author. I’m sure we’re all waiting with bated breath.
It looks like a rejected model from a late 80s 3D video game.
Something called Matter, whatever that is.
It’s looking more and more like D2 is just being used as a cash cow to fund their new IPs. Which is fine, really. D2 is getting a bit stale and repetitive and new IPs are always welcome but you can still execute microtransactions well. This was not even remotely close to well.
“And before someone comes along with the “but only rich people buy houses and new cars””
97% of climate scientists agree on the science.
> Straight white male representation in leading roles goes from 95% to 90%
Who exactly is the harsher punishment for, anyway? The dead 14 year old?
The thing about having fun in a PvP game is that it comes at an expense of someone else’s fun, including those outliers.