David Puddy the 2nd

It’s not just drafting. One engine is pushed to the limit, the other is cruising happily.

So one car is going all out, and the other is cruising very comfortably while also drafting?

I promise you if this gets to the point he actually undergoes a psychiatric evaluation”

It’s mind boggling that people complain about predatory practices like microtransactions all the time but when there’s a victim of one it’s all pErSoNal ReSpoNSabILituH

The video game medium is not new by any stretch of the imagination. Heavily monetized F2P games are, and are specifically designed to prey on addiction prone and not fully formed brains. The cliffhanger you speak doesn’t manipulate you into buying a loot box, or a skin, or whatever else is in the game shop. Fortnite

Just because one competitor of yours is focused on a niche, one you may not be serving very well, doesn’t mean you aren’t in competition with them. They just found a way to offer the same type of product that you do but targeting a specific segment of your market. This notion that you need to have complete overlap in

Are you implying that companies can only be in competition by selling the same products in the exact same way?

Missing projections by 45% is not the same as revenue being down 45%.

The article you posted treats “they left a voicemail” as a fact. The mother disputes this, so who is correct? Seems like he-said-she-said which makes this so-called fact disputed.

Colorism and racism is definitely a worldwide issue, especially in South America.

You are conjuring a scenario that happens extremely rarely regardless of what the media portrays. Even if it does, if the so-called psycho has the drop on your wife and her scrambling for a gun a sure fire way to get killed.

So his wife can get into gunfights with the kids nearby? Yeah, seems like a really great idea.

And mandatory retirement ages. No one should be casting votes on bills that they won’t be alive to see come into law.

It’s self-deprecating humor, I think you’re reading far too much into this.

That doesn’t make it artificial intelligence.

It’s not even AI, this is literally accomplished by a few lines in python and the right package.

Something being unprecedented does not make it illegal.

Sounds like CCW classes are for paranoid people led by paranoid instructors.

I can price my 5 year old car at $500,000 but it doesn’t mean it’s worth that much.