Lana, Lana,...LANAAAAAA!!!

Translation: It was the cops that clearly started it.

Jozy’s most clinical finish in years.

Little Ditty with Jo and dying.

Now playing

Also responsible for the greatest commercial of all time

Please tell me you two aren’t the same person with 2 awesome Archer accounts. Because that wouldn’t be nearly as awesome.

Not that I disagree with what you and Patrick have both said about the state of the program, but is it really necessary to have two pieces published on the same day detailing how far back the MNT is?

Retired goalie Mathieu Garon had one of his masks stolen when he played for the Kings a decade ago. He just found it. For sale on eBay.

A large orange, left-to-right-moving object?

Did you really just use “cap” in reference to club appearances? This blog gets worse by the week.

She didn’t “attend” the rally, she was a protester. I feel like this post doesn’t quite make it clear that she wasn’t a Trump-ite but instead was a dumb ass on the other side. Can we face the fact that both the Trumpites AND the protesters are often fucking assholes in these cases?

“I’m so glad I recorded this.”

From a business perspective, it’s an efficient strategy, but it’s still completely strange that all this was based on a white marketing team’s intuition or feeling about how people respond to black art or what cultural knowledge they assume people have.

Sleep easy, England. Next year your hopes of keeping a 4th Champions League spot are going to rest in Leicester City, Tottenham, and Arsenal doing well in Europe.

You clearly have a problem with this post, so just say whatever it is. If you don’t like gay people, be intellectually honest about, stop parsing it into a broader context like “because journalism.”

I think our new Iranian-billionare sugar daddy might be willing to sweeten Rom’s contract a bit before Madrid inevitably come calling.

Seeing Danny Welbeck referred to as “Welbz” might be one of the most infuriating Kinjas I’ve ever read.