Lana, Lana,...LANAAAAAA!!!

Your use of “butt boy” is revolting.

I had no idea Liverpool needed a player with absolutely zero idea what to do with a the ball except dribble it into a defense a take a speculative shot.

I’m not sure I understand the dig at Chris Evans.

I would assume so, that is not a typical live action angle.

I we in the part of the cycle where we praise Rogue One or we trash it?

Oh no, not canon!

How do you figure?

Dad’s everywhere salute you.

Your refund is in the mail.

This is said in every cancer thread...and I am going to star it every single time.

Until Trump reheated his taxes, he shouldn’t say anything about money and influence. He shouldn’t, but he will.

So they are finally making one you can swim and shower with. Maybe now I will consider one...when my vivosmart dies.

He was talking about Pittsburgh.

For most of the movie Blair Witch was humdrum. But the ending was actually pretty stellar, IMO.

I loved OMNI magazine. *sheds tear*

Agree, folks seem to ignore the fact that the frosting, even though it is called frosting, is in fact, disgusting.

Monsters do exist.

It’s like they had no idea what a badger looks like, at least in the face....black and white marking, with black markings down the snout all the way to the nose, small rounded ears.
