Glad you added that injury in life is 100%. There is no rhyme or reason. I have been diagnosed with ALS. Love your family and friends, do whatever gives you joy. Fuck the rest.
Glad you added that injury in life is 100%. There is no rhyme or reason. I have been diagnosed with ALS. Love your family and friends, do whatever gives you joy. Fuck the rest.
Umm....that looks like blood. End of argument.
I think you're trying to attribute too much rational thought into her decision making.
That's a real shame. She probably would have won. That's the number of the best.
Pictured: What Sarah Palin Thinks Her Orgasms Look Like
Not only is the math on that wrong, it's also just dumb.
He was named 3rd star by Flyers beat writer Frank Seravalli. He is basically the mouthpiece for Ed Snider and the Flyers. He never says a negative word about the Flyers.
That Brandon Flowers is a Killer. out of first.
Cats looking to be adopted need to be socialized. In high school I actually managed to snag the best volunteer gig ever—going to PetSmart and playing with all the cats for an hour or two. The more they get used to people, the more friendly they will be and the more likely it is that someone will want to take them…
Never, whore.
Is it cannibalism if a Cardinal eats crow?
In the 20 years since the 1994 player strike interrupted Tony Gwynn's run at .400 and derailed the Montreal Expos' inevitable march to what would have been their first and only World Series, baseball hasn't suffered a single canceled game.
I'm really getting tired of the pussification of sports.
I don't think the pictures of that horrifying diarrhea slop they showed did them any favors.
I agree with the fans—how dare the Braves sully a perfectly respectable Indian caricature with a message of tolerating minorities.
I've been a long time reader of Deadspin, but this is the first article I've ever felt compelled to comment on because I agree with everything written.
I am a Redskins' fan, born and raised (I am also a white male, but I don't speak for all white males). My fiance is Native American and her family lives on a…
"GOOOOAAAAAAL The US of A PUTS us in the playoffs!!!!!" USA!
"It is because of the USA that we are being placed in the playoff ...BECAUSE OF THEM , NOT DUE TO YOU..NOT ANY OF YOU in the green shirts ....IT WAS THEM!!.NOT YOU!..THEY DID IT!!!!!NOT YOU! remember this forever..... KEEP THIS CLEARLY IN MIND FOR THE REST…