
The Founding Fathers insisted on a separation of church and state, but unfortunately, church found its way into state anyway.

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are just that; pieces of paper. They’re a set of rules that applied for the era they were written. To hold ourselves to a standard established two

How I’m missing ya, you’re the doctor of my dreams!
With your crinkly hair, and your glassy stare, and your Machiavellian schemes!
Alright so people say that you don’t care, but you’ve got nicer legs than Hitler and bigger tits than Cher!
Henry Kissinger, how I’m missing ya, and wishing you were here!

Once upon a time, Carrie Bradshaw was real.

This is absolutely false and should be deleted by the moderators. Excess deaths is the only meaningful metric given the incomplete availability of tests and understanding of the sequelae of infection, and it’s not even in debate among serious mortality experts — COVID-19 caused more deaths than the official counts

I don’t understand what’s stopping anybody from talking about a great show weeks and months later, either. “Fishes” isn’t going to be any less of a masterpiece when the final season of Reservation Dogs drops, right?

I don’t watch a heck of a lot of TV in general but when there’s something on that I like I will gladly watch 10 hours of it straight.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who was a little flummoxed about the books being portrayed as incredible science fiction. I didn’t dislike them, and I do tend to have trouble getting immersed in translated works anyway, but it still didn’t really seem like there was much there.

Having read the 3 Body Problem trilogy fairly recently, I’m not sure how this is gonna go. Could be great, could be terrible. Doubly so given D&D’s involvement.

“There did come a time where I needed a break and disappeared and went to Mexico for a week and had time on a beach and laid low.”

Look I don't like Making a Murderer.  I think its too pro Avery it cut out important information to make a stronger argument and I don't think anyone cares about the victims.  But there are few people I trust less then Candace "Hitler did good things" Owens.  So yeah.... super hard pass on this.  

Candace is a fool. She almost always embarrasses herself whenever she’s forced out of her bubble.

“I have an interest in the media’s ability to transform villains into heroes via selective reporting.”

Elon showing how utterly powerless he’s become by taking away something the Times already said they don’t value, which every other publication is about to lose anyway since none of them want to pay for it either.

I’m sure the Times has regular meetings dedicated solely to figuring out how to get more Twitter followers.

Hahahaha why do I still visit this website

Well, I know of one random Redditor who will be happy tonight. I recently came across a comment over there complaining bitterly about the fact that giraffes, even those in captivity, hate being stroked and petted like it is in the game.

That was some masterful wordless acting from Bella there. Gotta thank GoT for discovering her.

There have been so many moments in this series between Joel and Ellie, in their long road to build trust, even love. But that scene between them:

It’s amazing how you could simply be “team no one” considering all the parties involved are rich idiots with bruised egos fighting like teenagers, but instead you chose to be on the child molester.

I’m going to try to post even though for some reason The Root never approves or posts my comments. *big sigh* Anyhoo,why would you (The Root writer) be giddy over Taj Jackson being keyboard gangster towards Chris Rock? I need you and Taj to take your selective outrage toward ALL comedians across the board who continue