

What doesn't sit right with me is :

Can we get 500 more posts about it? Maybe each about a different flavor?

If you think MS hasnt innovated, you are the definition of a tool.

I came here to ask these very questions.

Whoa now, brother. I'm clearly getting mad over the fact these women (whom were friends with me for years) stopped being my friend all together because I had the bravery to tell them how I feel.

Now that's just racist.

Oh god why is the text slightly rotated off center!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY OCD!?

Just Cause 2 was my favorite game from last gen. I did not expect it to be after I found Just Cause 1 to be a bit disappointing. Mods like this are one component that make it awesome. Other things that made it stand out for me?

The Daily Kawaiidesu, With John Stewart-Chan.

You're scared to use the new controller? I can't put it down. The DS3 feels like a cheap toy.

My daily life: I wake up at 5:30 am. I go hiking in the mounntains. My wife, who is pregnant, wakes up when I get back. My two sons wake up and get ready and go to school.

I am going to come across as an elitist but whatever I will risk it. While it's beautiful and entertaining to watch I can't help but see the flaws in martial arts like these. I was trained in Kung-Fu San Soo which utilizes leverage to take away your opponent's power. You utilize your legs to strike harder. These

Well that's certainly one way to..... lighten your load.

If you drop it while trying to pick it up, does that mean you had a McNiP-slip?

Why does nobody cosplay as Lady Gragas?

Ah ok. Then I'm gonna check that out. That show looked funny as hell. I really love British humour. You can tell. Because I spelled it humour. See? That's proof.

Is 2 like the first one with the "horrible controls = challenging gameplay" design? It does look a bit nicer than the first, animations seem a bit stiff still but what really bugged me was the controls and the way the characters feel.