It’s pretty much Germany.
It’s pretty much Germany.
No matter your opinions on Sarkeesian and her work
Looks very cool, atractively priced, but other than being on basic 4/4 beat there didnt seem much connection to the music (particularly melody). Are there ways to increase/decrease the complexity of the landscape/action items?
I’m going to have to say something that’s probably going to get a lot of flack, but here goes.
Yes. My opinion is my opinion. Not here to change anyone’s opinion on this topic. It’s off for me and not working for me. Objectively, most of COSPLAY posted in Kotaku are good.
hrmm...don’t know. It doesn’t work for me.
It seems that the narrative of negative reviews is that the film is poorly constructed, confusing, and lacking internal logic. The positive reviews of this film seem to completely ignore those arguments in favor of a focus that everybody is missing the bigger themes that Snyder dares to address.
Normal =/= ok. The World of Twitch Streaming’s rules don’t magically redefine or trump general relationship rules. Orienting the bf to behavior normally violative of trust in a romantic relationship shows initiative to preserving their relationship through exceptional circumstances. Not disclosing her meetings with…
hence supposedly.
Other than the infrequent lone wolf plot, Canada does not appear to be a target of the Islamists. Maybe they would like to keep it that way.
Tell me again about your “internet tough guy” problems, internet tough guy.
You say that they’re the same old arguments, but you haven’t refuted any of them, you’ve just resorted to personal attacks.
Perhaps you’ve lost your patience because you’re aware that you can’t actually back up your convictions with reasonable discourse.
The fact that you posted in a public discussion forum on the internet.
Thanks for again proving you’re too childish to have a serious discussion.
As I figured. Are you sure you haven’t got that internet tough guy/bully thing reversed? Maybe a look in the mirror would help.
Yeah, having an actual argument that has nothing to do with gender or hate is totally what you had in mind with “internet tough guys.”
Thanks for proving my point!
Oh, great, the “safe spaces in comics” argument. You do know that people can dislike killing off established characters for diversity purposes and not be raging misogynists? In fact, the whole “everyone who doesn’t agree with this change hates *insert minority/gender*” argument is such a wet fart that it’s lost any…