This applies to the situation.
This applies to the situation.
I read the title in a literal manner, as in the title of the game.
I don’t know much about countries in the middle east, but I do know my fair share about Japan, so I cannot comment about the middle east.
Is that due to lack of reports or actually lesser amount of rapes? Don’t forget that Japan is a culture in which shaming anyone, from yourself to your family can destroy your life and that of those around you. (And sadly they view you getting raped as something you should be ashamed of)
Same on the second image for the Scion.
You reminded me of these gem.
Reason behind it is simple, no Compliance for PC, making it so that when they see that they need to fix their game by the end of their allocated development schedule, they switch people away from PC since they cannot fail the PC launch even if the game is a pile of turd in it’s current state.
You forgot the precursor to DOOM, Wolfenstein, which is the game on which Heretic and Doom were based.
Any reason in particular for that comment? I have Thermaltake and haven’t had any issues with it, but maybe you can enlighten me.
After reading all your comments, I have this to say, if this wasn’t and important subject for consumers, the curator wouldn’t have 100k subscribers.
Thank you for teaching me a new word (Succor). Thought it was just a random word they used for naming a skill in FF14.
Nah, it is the publishers fault, they went the wrong way when porting, should have been PC to consoles not the other way around. Its like trying to clean dirty water or dirt clean water, one is easier to do the other one requires a lot of effort.
So, his stage should have Phil Colin’s music XD
even “very.” Dargon Ball creator Akira Toriyama is handling
Jewish aren’t really oppressed anymore, and even in one corner of the world we are the oppressors (ask Palestinia).
Meh the Netherlands wasn’t really serious, if not you would have had some FATALITYES done during the game XD.
Apparently the video is back up, due to the strike notice missing required information.
Specially when you are Shaq, acting is impossible because he always sound like he is doing a commercial when he acts.
See, here is where I disagree with you, modders could get paid for their work, they bring in a lot of things to the games, in Skyrim’s case, one modder even created enough content that it is considered an expansion for the game and even then, if the game wouldn’t be moddable, I wouldn’t have spent a cent on it.