Yeah. They didn't quite get the color right, either.
Yeah. They didn't quite get the color right, either.
You're doing it wrong, Ashcraft. Now, this is the right way to do it:
ok we're arguing the wrong point here, fine it's an article, but does it say anything new that a bunch of other kotaku authors haven't said already... not really. It would be one thing if not one kotaku author had ever posted a article making this exact same argument, but they have, several times, usually accompanied…
Sorry for that, indeed, American Public Schools are years behind 3rd world high schools. So if that is enough info for you, you should now think about private schools elsewhere. What you don`t get is that in the US most people go to public school, and most of the jobs filled in any industry are worked by that same…
Remove one piece of chocolate from a chocolate bar. Swap two other pieces, and voilà, you have what sure seems like…
Telling me that I'm "parroting bullshit" isn't insulting and condescending? What about "you sound like somebody who's never actually gamed on a PC"
Wow, you are unpleasant and rude. No reasons— just insults and condescension. Perhaps you forgot to include your argument. If you decided that just an insult was sufficient, then I do wonder about your ability to communicate effectively.
It seems like we are agreeing, and yet still debating.
Now those shameless trophy addicts will be able to hide their Hannah Montana Platinums. I would have preferred it to stay as a permanent mark of shame.
I totally agree with you, however if this is the society we wish to live in (and it IS the society I want to live in) we have to loosen taboos about asking people what their gender is.
I wonder if games will come out with vegetation that isnt billboarded next gen. Every game pretty much has flat 2d flowers that follow you, giving you the impression that theyre 3d.. it used to kill the immersion for me sometimes when i think a game is all nice and pretty and detailed only to find cheap cardboard…
certain games and movies need their stereotypes - it makes things easy without much explaining, and yes, we also need that old-fashioned damsel in distress story. a dude saves a princess. oh noes everyone is offended. seriously I have a goal: save the princess. why: princess is in the hands of a monster which might…
Wow. This article is like a video game.
Maybe you'll like this too. Same creator btw, guy makes awesome stuff like this all the time.
Just because.
INBETWEENERS is a British comedy film about teenagers trying to be grown ups.
No, you're wrong.