David Howe

Dude what? You know that hospitals aren’t in charge of names, right? Jesus fucking Christ.

True. The problem is that they vote... and have guns.

There are 62 million equally dumb people in this country.

The source* is, in fact, fake news.

He’s not a smart man.

Scientific consensus should always be considered dead center of the political spectrum. If scientists are considered liberal or conservative it means we need to re-calibrate our instruments.

For talking about science and the pursuit of truth, and how that leads to necessary political engagement because this administration is virulently anti-truth?

“Publicly protecting Jews is the easiest political choice. “

So what about the arson against mosques? The rise in hate crimes targeting Muslims? Crimes against immigrants? We can’t stop at just one group.

Internet stranger, you piqued my interest, so I just spent half an hour in the gaping maw of Google hell doing a search about this fella and his very white Jesus paintings.
Wow. I’m not sure how I missed him in his 2012 heyday, but I now look back longingly on those sweet, simple times before I knew the artistic


Yeah, it’s like the story I was reading about from FL where the white guy at the polling place complained about how someone didn’t “look” like they were eligible to vote. I mean, unless the person is under 18, how do you “look” ineligible to vote? Except racism.

There was a critic or two that didn’t like The Dark Knight either. Besides who the fuck cares about persecuted white men’s feelings? Isn’ t that how we got the current pussy grabber in chief? I mean serious question for white men: What the fuck is wrong with all of you?

Also worth mentioning that this sterling piece of film criticism is also factually incorrect about the events of the movie. Just great work all around from the venerable Mr. White.

I’m honestly surprised that there is one black person in that painting

They interviewed this asshat on NPR over the weekend and he had the nerve to say something along the lines of “I’m not a political artist.” Fuck off.

1. This is why I couldn’t give less of a shit about RT scores. A high score is a punchbowl waiting for a turd.

There’s also Rand fucking Paul “I don’t see any need to investigate other Republicans”

Trump supporters also believe in Santa Claus, pearly white Jesus, and have the amazing ability to directly vote against their own best interest, while simultaneously being giant hypocrites about their own immigration heritage, supporting the same kind of fascism their parents fought against, while sucking each others

I have been a nurse for nearly 2 decades now, and I’ve spent half of that time working in the insurance industry. I spent a good portion of that time implementing ACA regulations. All of which is to say that I have a better understanding than most about what the ACA is and is not, and how insurance works.