David Howe

Am I the only one who thinks his hair looks like my Mom’s hair from 1987?

Never heard of her

You give him too much credit for being a normal human.

I see what you did there. You blamed the Democrats for something the Republicans did. LOL

Entertainer with long-running network show (lead role) says what??

It’s still shameful. She’s everything that’s wrong with America.

I have no idea who this guy is, but he has an amazing publicist. Is he using the same person who made Paris Hilton famous?

When will celebrities learn to not discuss their private lives with the media? Oh. They won’t. They need the clicks. Sad.

Some white people are OK, but yeah. Pretty much.

Sigh. Can’t a man make a statement without having his entire being interrogated? Will anyone ever meet your standards?

Trump’s on-the-record accusation of a false flag is very far from supportive. It’s hostile.

My only white person opinion on race is that black people can speak for themselves.

White man here. I like how Louie CK put it: I’m a white man. You can’t even hurt my feelings.

It’s great for mean white people. Trump and Co have given them permission to make America Hate Again.

White man here. I have no idea what’s wrong with us, but I wish I could fix it.

Is it Clarence Thomas or Ben Carson?

That’s really the perfect word to describe Armond White. Snappy, mean, always prepared to deride the achievements of others in the most savage and bitter way while pandering to his racist readers at the National Review. Appalling.

In order to determine if there is a curse, you’d have to gather and analyze data. This data will show that there’s no such thing as a curse. Because there isn’t.

Well, there is such thing as fake news. You can identify it because it’s not the stuff that Donald Trump calls Fake News.

I think that much is clear.