David Howe

As access to abortion becomes more restricted and people continue to believe sex education encourages sex, more botched at home abortions will happen. Men and women against abortion will insist these laws save lives, will pay no attention to ho many it ruins and continue to believe anyone who dies attempting abortion

Kim Davis believes so strongly in marriage being the cornerstone of a successful society, she’s done it 4 times.

Seriously. And it’s a symptom of America’s inability to cope with people enjoying having sex with other people. It’s an act a pair (or more) of normal humans might want to do for enjoyment, but apparently people can’t cope with that. Gotta pop them babies out left and right, bro!

THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. For all the bullshit rhetoric out there, this shit is the #1 thing guaranteed to my my blood pressure shoot through the roof. SO much hypocrisy involved in the “But, but...nuclear family!” crowd.

Well, second commentor, education and access to birth control pretty much always results in a drop in teen birth rates, but something tells me you are against comprehensive sexual ed and reproductive health care that is accessible and affordable. It’s so much easier to make asshole comments instead of putting effort

Political correctness is just the siren song of people who dream of a world where they can be openly racist and bigoted and not criticized for it. Basically a “safe space” for their racism and bigotry. Ultra liberal SJWs are just as obnoxious as these people. I’m probably focusing on the wrong stuff but this always

All of these emails really reinforce my belief that there were three types of Trump voters. 1) The “fuck you” vote, which encompasses the anti-PC sentiments, the “blow up the system” sentiments, and the “he’s not a politician” sentiments. Basically, people who felt, for various reasons, that the system either wasn’t

No. Peter Thiel only finances lawsuits about media companies that publish true things. He doesn’t care about media companies that may be spreading misinformation. He’s against transparency. Suing companies that may be lying would have the unfortunate side effect of increasing transparency.