
I was going to write that it was incredibly generous of RuPaul to showcase “Let Loose” on the episode...until I remembered the extremely disadvantageous IP clauses in the contestants’ contracts. Oh, I hope Loosey doesn’t have to relinquish any royalties for its use on this season...

...although having the queens play a game of spontaneously combustible musical chairs would be either extremely entertaining...or an opportunity for the host to spin tiresome jokes about seeing “pussies on fire”. Or both.

The most disappointing aspect of the episode was the manner in which RuPaul avoided — yet again — an overdue address to the sizeable segment of the viewing audience who prefer to watch this show through a lens of confrontation, hate, and anger. The advice to young, broke, queens of colour to “pay [the haters] no mind”

That really worked well in AS7 (and that’s the only time that it’s been used), as all of the contestants were, in essence, fan favourites, and they had already proven themselves by surviving season-long marathons. It makes much more sense to have a cutthroat attitude in the regular seasons, as a lot of queens just

“Luxx needs charisma badly”

Sasha’s line “Cracked the code, now you know Sasha Colby run the show”

Good for Loosey for keeping her name in the mouths of Luxx and Mistress even after her elimination — that’s how you make an impression with a fifth-place finish.

  • I can’t remember if there has been a final four that RuPaul has so clearly favored.

Michelle: “what you did tonight was cute.” Yeah, unlike the train tracks that Mistress painted down Miss Thang’s nose. Which, of course, was ignored.

I’m just going to have to watch the entire season again if and when they decide to release the early episodes in full. I get the feeling that the entire vibe of the season will change.

An alt-pop masterpiece, it simply does not lend itself to a lip sync battle

Luxx’s runway monologue made for excellent TV. That being said, it’s pretty clear now that this excellent bitchery will not win her S15, now that Loosey’s getting the “Everybody Hates Jinkx” edit.

I’m going to knock a few points off of an otherwise enjoyable for the show’s insistence on spoiling the eliminated queen at the very beginning of the episode with obvious and incessant confessionals and extra screen time. I also note that the previews also spoil the winner of next week’s mini challenge, which is an

  • Finally, eliminating Marcia before the Rusical feels particularly cruel.

However, as Marcia said in her standup, this season is her puberty. She will return, fully grown soon. She is destined for All Stars.

The Riggory of S15 would take all of S16 -- and possibly all of AS8 and AS9 -- to sort out. Top of the list tonight: Production’s continued use of Salina to get rid of contestants they want to lose, a la Heidi S12, because they don’t care about her, either. Neither challenge nor plot mattered at all tonight: Malaysia

Well, we can always blame the editing...

Luxx should have won. I didn’t like Sasha’s interview, and her runway wasn’t particularly memorable, either.

I love me a ball, but that felt like the leftovers to AS7's banquet. Were the queens only given a choice of three or four balls? Why on earth would they choose the Bag Ball, Money Ball, and the Sugar Ball as themes?

  • Marcia saying it was long time coming about Jax’s elimination felt a little mean.