
Because production knew that “saving” Spice would be “controversial” and create a viral news item and loads of free publicity. I doubt that Anetra even had a choice in the decision, but even if she had, there was no way that she’d choose Jax and risk having an army of stupid people come after her for eliminating their

The best episode of the season...and a completely shitty way to take out Jax. Poor Jax! She even had to exit the stage without support from any of the other queens, which shows you how much worth production felt she added to the season. Which is none.

RuPaul: “I’ve made some decisions...”

Half of the joy of season 14 was the way they cut from the sketch to the queens’ reactions—that’s sorely missing here.

The show’s decision to eliminate the judging sessions has been disastrous. We all know that episode placements are sketchy at the best of times, but the lack of any explanation or analysis has underlined how random all of this actually is (and probably always has been), and how little of it actually bears scrutiny. 

Question: if Robin was, in Michelle’s estimation, the very definition of “safe”, what was she doing in the bottom two?

Interestingly, and potentially a bad omen, RuPaul takes a moment to sort of read both Salina and Amethyst during the walkthrough.

Sasha—who must have overheard RuPaul’s advice about replicating what works for you—dons palm print swimwear and a flamingo robe. She looks great, but she could’ve been more ambitious with the challenge.

I note that the judges are always there to pick apart Marcia’s drag, even though she’s excelled at all of the challenges so far, and even though there are other, worse, sartorial offenders on the season. I’m taking from this the probability that production didn’t pick her for a top placement, and now don’t know what

Good god yes. Lots of people raved about Phillipines’ “Snatch Game”, but it was simply interminable and killed whatever momentum the episode was building. This was more like a video recap than a full game, but I’ll take it.

Marcia is, perhaps appropriately enough, being Janned.

We all know DR runs on the whims of Ru.

I’d like to see the LSFYL format elevated from commercial club dance and into the realm of performance, which is exactly what we saw with Lolita and Bertha’s lipsync. But that was one of those unscripted, once-in-a-franchise moments that can’t be replicated on command, and the only way to get to that point is to

But none of these were the most stunning lip syncs of the week. That honor goes to Drag Race France.

Listening to Chelazon be so wise with her sister navigating her Metis identity was a great moment, and I’m sad to see Chelazon leave. I hope we see more of her, she had a gentle way of educating.

Production was clearly trying to push some kind of narrative that’s been lost in translation. And I don’t mean the mediocre translation with the subtitling. Both of the groups were, in fact, pretty great, and no one deserved to go home, but they’re running out of episodes and had to kick someone out. That’s why Elips

Jinkx’s performance was fantastic, and underrated — she, along with Monet, were two of the only singers who were truly organic and present in the moment. I was desperately hoping, though, that she was going to conclude her cabaret act by performing an homage to true talent by making a balloon animal while she was

More was added a couple of hours after the initial review was posted. It did, indeed, originally end halfway through the recap.

It’s my hope that Trae will watch the premiere and provide us a minicap of this madness. “The Clothes Off Your Back” was one of the most memorable Project Runway challenges, and generated (as it does here) lots of drama. But it also produced lots of questionable looks that were trotted down the runway this week. The

I’d love to see how Standards & Practices determine which jokes can’t make the final cut to the challenge, either because of overtly sexual content, or pointed political commentary, or both -- as we saw with Jaida’s joke that she ran through in rehearsal. If this was indicative of the general tenor of her roast, I’d