David Brooks & The Inifnite Sadness

OK, let me rephrase.

Kylie Jenner adopted a new hairstyle.

You’d think, but the human brain has no way of predicting how it would react to hypotheticals. People always say “I’d never give a cheater a second chance” and then they turn around and do it.

I’m finding it hard to believe that a religious black woman born in the 40s finds the idea of an open marriage appealing, especially in light of Cosby’s public image being so similar to Cliff Huxtable.

Who says she doesn’t/isn’t?

Well, in a purely hypothetical sense, if I offered women drugs, told them the drugs would knock them out and that I planned to fuck them while they were unconscious and they consented to all of that, then aside from the procurement of the drugs, I didn’t do anything wrong.

“Not only do I want to play games with my kids, but I also want them to grow up to be people with good taste.”

Bill Simmons and Keith Olbermann hosting a Deadspin weekly podcast entitled Fuck the NFL, hosted by Chris Thompson/Miserable Shitehawk.

JBL’s first commentary run on SD was incredible. This new JBL is garbage.

When Cole is allowed to do his own thing, he’s fine. Good, even. And he knows he sucks when he has 7 people in his ear all night. On the leaked satellite feed of Smackdown from last year, he asks Vince off-air if Vince really wants him to say “that” every time because he’d already said it “a shitload of times tonight”

Because the company is his family-owned business and will be his until the day he dies? I mean, he’s not like a faltering CEO that was hired 3 years ago and has failed to maximize profits or whathaveyou.

Hollywood is bullshit. It’s all fake. Taylor’s is just the kind of fake that completely falls apart if you think about it for longer than 4 seconds.

I can honestly say I’ve never met a 3EB fanboy.

That’s the only Rush song I can tolerate.

I assume the lack of “The Beatles” is because they’re naturally assumed to be above #1?

Meh. I have a feeling the Swift matriarch did a number on Taylor as a kid to make her that way. She’s rich and successful, but I bet she’s socially maladjusted to a pretty hardcore degree.

I don’t think she eats. I think they just plug her in whenever her energy level starts to dip.

And for her, she’s got concerts, travel time, autographs, interviews, meet-and-greets, photoshoots, etc. She presumably fits sleep, showering and taking a shit in there, too.

Not until the plus-size thing becomes a normalized thing with mainstream acceptance. All facets of Taylor Swift’s life are filtered this way. Can’t have chubs around. Not good for the #brand.

I think documenting her normal-person shenanigans on Instagram is less about rubbing her perfect life in our faces and more about her growing insecurity over the fact that she’s basically just a walking #brand at this point and doesn’t actually DO any normal-person things.