Yup. I’m sure all of her “friends” like her well enough, but I’ll tell you this. I have a wife, a kid and a 40 hour a week job.
Yup. I’m sure all of her “friends” like her well enough, but I’ll tell you this. I have a wife, a kid and a 40 hour a week job.
Who says these people are really her friends? Who says they aren’t just there for exposure or PR reasons?
Freak shows have been a form of entertainment for ages.
Well, no, you can’t. I know what Gawker makes it seem like, but with gun sales, there are (usually) background checks, waiting periods, etc. With fireworks, any dude can walk in, empty his wallet and leave with a shopping cart filled with munitions.
Yep. NJ has probably the strictest of the fireworks laws and on 7/4 (and to a lesser extent, Memorial Day), motherfuckers are lighting up the sky left and right. The cops, I assume, have too many calls to respond to, so they just wait for someone to blow off their fingers, get rushed to the ER and then charge them…
Actually, this was posted to The Concourse, which is a sub blog of a sports blog, but is not itself a sports blog.
If you’re paying to read Deadspin, you’re doing something wrong.
When you start to feel like Hitler, then you start to feel alright.
Honestly, if you refuse to vaccinate your kids, the state should take your kids.
As a parent, if supporting a mandate that children, the tiny disease-carrying filthbags they are, be vaccinated so that we don’t see smallpox make a comeback makes me Hitler, then I am Hitler. I’m so Hitler.
Yup. Don’t make the mistake of thinking all republicans hate gays. A wide swath of republicans don't give a shit about gays one way or the other.
That sounds less like some exertion of masculinity and more like irrational denial that his body unexpectedly betrayed him in such a fundamental way.
As always, if chain Mexican or Tex-Mex food has ever given you diarrhea and it wasn’t tainted or spoiled, consider eating nothing but puréed bananas for the rest of your days because you clearly don’t have an adult digestive tract.