ha ha, that guy is gay
Maybe Cristiano Ronaldo perfected it, but it was Kaká who introduced that shot to Los Merengues.
You think that's what, "Gronked" means?
"Gronked" is when someone steals your Zubazzes.
got it, thanks...had to do a reverse image search to figure out who it was but i got it lol
Yep, that's the stare he must have had.
Cubs Intern: Ummm Mr. Green, I think there is something you need to see.
[blank stare]
I guess he's just pretty Green at this whole Internet thing if he didn't see this coming.
As usual, Arsenal are the real villains on the pitch.
Remember the news stories about "pink slime" a couple years back? Steakums are what you get if you take pink slime, mold it into a loaf, freeze it, and slice it into steaks. You're publicly advocating for the consumption of slime steaks.