
I've been in a same-sex relationship for over 17 years. 12 of those years were in Orange County, CA, a very conservative area. We never had a single issue living there as a gay couple. Compared to 1998, living as a gay man is a piece of cake if you move to a metropolitan city. In this day and age there really isn't

Yeah, DirecTV does buffer the current channel and the last channel you were on. That was pretty sweet when we had their service. The only solution on U-verse would be to record both football games and switch between them using the "Resume" playback feature. Kinda clunky, but it works. I agree, there are a ton of

We've got U-verse 18 Mbps internet service that is hardly slow. The only thing the DVR is lacking is slow-motion playback. I've currently got 60% of free-space on my DVR. Room enough for an additional 90 hours of HD programming. You can also easily remove all the ad channels from your guide (as if U-verse were the

The screen rotation patent is stupid. (Not that most of these patents aren't.) Yeah, you press a button up to three times to rotate an image. I'm pretty sure Photoshop did that in version #1. That's less patentable than "turn the phone sideways and the 'desktop' rotates to match the landscape orientation" or let's

I haven't had any issues playing Netflix videos (or AppleTV or Amazon Prime) over AT&T U-verse. I'm wondering what bandwidth they're using for these rankings. My current speed is 18 Mbps, which is plenty fast and 99% reliable. (The DVR boxes... not so much.)

The fact that they lied about their screen's (so-called) superiority (to the iPad) to try and justify the use of a low-res screen speaks volumes about their credibility and integrity. Why would anyone pay the same amount of money for a product that is inferior to the market leader? Basically the people that are buying

Why would a lower-res screen be deemed better for media? Especially when the iPad has almost a perfect color gamut. Perhaps the wider screen would make for a better viewing experience (without having the 'black bar' issue), but I doubt that a lower resolution would be a benefit.

If the area below the time and date isn't being used, why not allow the user to add up to four "cards" to that space? That would be less complicated than scrolling cards that you have to organize like the app pages... and you'd get to view them all at once. Then when you tap on a card, one of those black-outlined

It does annoy me that people so quickly dis Siri. It does some very impressive things seemingly seamlessly. I think it's pretty cool that I can have Siri add "sauerkraut" to my Shopping List, or "Remind me in the morning that I have to take the dogs to the vet for shots." Sure enough, I get a reminder at 7 a.m.

Okay, the first thing people need to do after they install iTunes 11 is bring back the Sidebar (Option + Command + S). It's extremely difficult to use iTunes without the Sidebar. Then click on Music in your Library and select Artists from the list in the center. Now you can see every artist in the left column, and

Are you talking about the Sidebar that lists the Library, Store, Devices and Playlists? That's Option + Command + S under the View menu.

Perhaps if you have a TimeMachine backup? You might be able to revert the Applications folder before you installed iTunes 11. I have no clue if that would work, so buyer beware ;-)

I assumed he felt pressure to perform in front of an audience, regardless if that audience was right in front of him. — At the very end, I was hoping that he'd put on earphones like he had earlier, since they had helped him stop stuttering.

Ah... so this is that Microsoft Surface technology I've been hearing about.

Unless you need public transportation routes, Apple Maps is far superior to HERE. Visually there isn't any comparison. HERE maps look ugly and bitmapped, and they're harder to read.

Why are some corners more rounded than others? The back-right corner looks rounded. The other two corners on the right-side aren't. It gives the appearance of shoddy workmanship.

What technology did Apple steal from Samsung?

In the photo above, the iPhone 5's display looks much brighter than the HTC One X. The contrast seems better too. I have an One X, so I'm not whoring for Apple by any means. To make the comparison fare, the type on the iPhone should have been slightly larger too.