
...said no Republican politician, ever.

This first version of the iPad Mini is clearly just a stop-gap measure (to compete with Amazon and Google) until they're able to kick out a retina model next year. Aside from being disappointed in the price point, I'm also sad that they didn't really do anything innovative with it (aside from it's impressive thinness

Shhhhh... don't give these thieving jackals any ideas. Although, if I happen to be on the same flight as the Chippendales convention, I might just support your idea.

Totally fake. No one would stand still while a wall is collapsing towards them, and misses them by a couple of feet. Cute idea though.

I'm surprised Texas isn't on the list. They'll allow you to own 27 guns and rifles, but a bottle of Zinfandel will corrupt society. God, I fucking hate this state. I remember trying to buy a bottle of wine at Costco on a Sunday morning. Little did I know that it is an affront to God if you try to buy booze before noon

1.) Visually there is no difference between 300 ppi and 264 ppi. Even at 264 ppi, you can't see the individual pixels with the naked eye.

Nestle has a score of 10 out of 100 from the Human Rights Campaign. If you're gay or support gay rights, avoid their homophobic bars of hatred and intolerance.

So she's reaming Pixar for hiring her because she's a woman? So if they wanted to have a director give Brave a distinct woman's point of view, how exactly are they going to do that if they don't hire a woman? This is one of those "damned if do" scenarios. If they didn't hire her then she could have claimed that the

The screen difference between an iPad 2 and the new iPad is very apparent. The pixels on the new iPad are so small, you literally can't see them with your eye. Webpages and books look like printed material. Anyone that says otherwise is lying. I traded in my iPad 2 through a 3rd-party company at Amazon.com, and got

Ah... you're right. You can only use it with a Mac that doesn't have a built-in Superdrive. Thanks for the info. I'll have to replace the defective one. I'll check to see if it's something I can do myself (access looks to be very difficult), or if I have to take my iMac into an Apple store (which would be incredibly

I am all things Apple (I have an iMac, and a retina iPad, and an old Shuffle and iPod Touch) but the price point and last year's screen resolution (PPI compared to other tablets) makes the iPad Mini a hard sell. It really needed to come in at $299. $249 would have even been better and more competitive. I'd be curious

Didn't Amazon say that they aren't making any money selling their tablets (which explains why they're so inexpensive)? So why would you expect Apple to do the same?

I have a fairly new 27-inch iMac. The thing is, when I'm actually using it, I'm not looking at it from the side. So I can't tell how thick it is; nor do I worry about its thickness. I do ponder why my SuperDrive no longer reads in DVDs correctly, even after cleaning it numerous times. So I might end up buying their

They also made a mockery of Michele Bachmann and her (not so) closeted husband. It was a great episode.

"It's about making things. Real life stuff, like emails, essays, presentations."

Didn't video games that used vector graphics from the '80s (Asteroids, Battlezone, Tempest, etc.) draw fonts this way?

Pinball machines have bumpers and targets. This thing doesn't have any of that. So, no, it's not a pinball machine. It's more convincing as a roller coaster simulator.

But isn't Michelle Bachmann proof that we do have the scientific technology to reanimate dead matter from the Mesozaic era? Whoever said that partisan politics (closeted gay husbands) and Jurassic Park can't mix was totally wrong.

I had to go back in time to read my original reply, since it was made almost a month ago

I've yet to see any errors using Maps in Houston. I'm wondering what percentage of map information is wrong at this point? I do fault them for pulling the plug on Google Maps a year ahead of their contract, when they didn't need to. Why couldn't the new Maps app be featured with iPhone 6? It really is an affront to