
You’re a f#cking monster. (aka The Republican Party)

So if you live in another country you can watch it without paying $10 more per month? In other words, CBS is nickel-and-dime-ing Americans to force them to pony up extra dough that people in other countries don’t have to. And people are okay with this?

Sony is too expensive? It’s only $10 more, plus it has an unlimited DVR and On Demand service. It definitely doesn’t have as many channels though. I’m surprised that I haven’t missed the Viacom channels as much as I thought I would. — and their iPad app is fantastic.

I’m curious what the speed bump is from an iPhone 6 to an 8 Plus. We upgraded thanks to the Sprint deal which pays for half of the phone for 18 months, with the option of trading in for a new iPhone or paying off the lease (around $200). The iPhone 8 is an absolute speed demon. iOS 11 is butter smooth on it. We are

He will always be the “so-called president”. There is absolutely NOTHING presidential about that walking pile of excrement. The majority of Americans didn’t vote for him; and more Americans want him impeached than actually support him. To quote the eloquent 7-year old man/child that is King Cheeto McDimwit, he’ll

Yeah, I really have a problem watching sadist scenes. Earlier in the season with evil Cooper in the hotel room with the woman comes to mind. That drawn out scene was intolerable. The most frustrating part of episode 10 was how stupid the women were written. They both knew the guy is an unhinged psychopath (capable of

The back button is software enabled, and usually appears in the top left corner of the screen. So if you were using Safari and a link opened up Facebook, you’d see a left-arrow and the word Safari in the top-left corner of your Facebook window. It works pretty well, although the target is pretty small.

You forgot: massive OS fragmentation

So Siri sucks because you have to scroll vertically through your bar listings instead of horizontally, and it can’t read you poetry. Well what am I waiting for! I’m throwing my worthless iPhone 6 in the trash right now!

I loved my Lynx. Still have it in storage. Chip’s Challenge was my favorite game. Klax was also a lot of fun.

Anyone that uses powdered Cheetos as a skin bronzer is suffering from dementia.
Anyone that believes that King of America is an actual government position is suffering from dementia.
Anyone that has a white supremacist as their right-hand man is suffering from dementia — or they’re a f#cking racist piece of shit. You

It would be a real shame if I were to have a pizza party on the day that that might happen.

I agree. I don’t think that was Ford. In the previous episode we learn that he installed back-door code that prevents hosts from being able to kill him. I think he made a Ford-bot to take the fall.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought California and New York were part of the United States — you know, the non-racist, non-xenophobic, non-homophobic part. Otherwise known as the non-deplorables.

“One thing you have to give to Trump supporters, those guys were fired up about their candidate from start to finish.”

My Yahoo sign-in is my iPhone. So I’m trying to figure out if I need to do anything. They can’t get into my account unless they respond to the notification that pops up on my phone, right? -- Not that I have anything of personal value in my Yahoo email account anyway.

“What I cannot tolerate, however, is shelling out $9.99 each month to a company who does business with the offensively mediocre James Corden.”

It’s a major clusterfuck. The screen that describes Digital Touch doesn’t tell you that every tap automatically gets sent as a message. I sent a dozen messages without realizing it. Everything you do in iMessage should have to be confirmed by the user.

Yeah, I live in Palm Springs, and it’s 110º outside at 6 pm. So, no, I won’t be making the house 90º so it will feel more comfortable when I go outside to use the pool for 30 minutes. The thermostat is always set at 77 or 78. Sometimes the stupid Nest thermostat won’t trip until it reaches 80 inside. Very annoying.

Judging someone based on their character (or lack thereof) is hardly weird. Donald has racked up some red flags in the past few months: he’s xenophobic, Islamaphobic, racist, arrogant, and misogynistic to name a few. He also lied when he said that he supports gay rights: “The gays love me!” His running mate is one of