
It must be a coincidence that she’s never found a single straight couple “sinful” and refused to sign off on their marriage license. Perhaps it’s because the morality of ANY citizen is none of her business. She isn’t a pastor, and city hall isn’t a church. Her religious beliefs (aka: feelings) are irrelevant. The

...but there’s just no way someone can terminate an otherwise healthy pregnancy and not agree that they’re taking a life.

Wait. How do you squat over that thing and not fall over? ...and how do you clean yourself up without falling over? I would need some sort of crane system that kept me suspended in air, plus some handrails.

Thanks for that info. I should bookmark that page, so when religious a-holes claim that the owners are being run out of business by those evil lesbians that targeted them, I can smack the smugness and outrage off of their face.

It’s also for publishing the couple’s names and home address on the Internet and encouraging people to harass them.

Yeah, that sounds totally disgusting.

Since your neighbors removed the privacy hedges, I suppose they had this coming. That wall is ludicrously low. (I'm a stickler for backyard privacy.) I'm guessing putting up a wood fence was outside of your budget. Obviously wood would have looked a lot nicer than the steel.

Yeah, I'm Jewish (inherently kvetch-y) and gay (inherently snarky). So, no, I'm not going to stop whining anytime soon. It's the only reason I get up in the morning. I'm going back to Gawker where I belong!

If your iOS device has a side switch, you can set it to Mute in the General settings. Then notifications won't interrupt your music.

2) Never in public

...and that is why Mr. Miller received his Ph.D in eggology from the University of MickeyD's.

If you don't add the hash browns to your sandwich, Taco Bell wins.

First of all, some straight couples have anal sex. Secondly, gay men are not legally obligated to have anal sex. I seem to recall polling on a gay website that said that only 1/3 of gay men frequently have it.

...or any other opposite-sex kiss on virtually every fucking sitcom, drama or movie that has ever been on television. But aside from that, they never EVER see opposite-sex couples kissing each other.

Straight people don't need to discuss their sexual orientation with anyone. Everyone assumes they're straight. That's why it's not an issue for them — or you. That's why they don't have to worry if they accidentally mention going on a date, or if they put a photo of their boy/girlfriend on their desk, or if they call

"Certainly the fact that I am married to a woman has come up in conversation with my colleagues (as we recently found out she is pregnant), but it just seems odd that a person's sexuality is an issue."

The relationship options in the game represent a playful alternate world rather than a real-life simulation.

"Being gay is a choice you are not born gay..."

"...full of skits that went on just a tad too long only to be decisively followed up by a perfectly awkward and pedantic punchline."