Some of us. Some honestly don’t. They are fact blind. Think trump supporters. No facts matter. But the ones who chose not to can probably be persuaded. I know some who have. Thank God for video
Some of us. Some honestly don’t. They are fact blind. Think trump supporters. No facts matter. But the ones who chose not to can probably be persuaded. I know some who have. Thank God for video
And here is the obligatory ignorant American... seriously Apples to Oranges are you high? Outside of Quebec our popular culture is 1:1 identical (people pretend to care about CanCon but we really don’t) and that is exactly what Trump is talking about. Popular culture.
Eh. Somehow, I lived through the great social panics over rap (and Tipper Gore’s eventual push to implement those lovely “Parental Warning: Explicit Content” stickers on albums), Mortal Kombat (seriously, Congressional hearings over that shit), and DOOM without ever developing the desire to harm anyone.
...and I was a…
Narcissistic personality disorder brought about by years of sycophantic yes men not calling him out on his bullshit.
Fox & Friends?
Strange... I am a Canadian and play violent video games and watch violent films so they’re definitely sold here and yet here in Canada we don’t have mass shootings every few months... hmmm... the same is true for the UK, France, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Germany, you know I could go on but I wont.
OK but what the fuck is shaping this goon’s mind?
Out of curiosity, my completely rational friend - how many children would it take massacring in school for you to decide that it’s ok to put some focus on it? 17 isn’t enough. 20? 50? 100?
You: “It’s only 17 dead kids”.
A few things:
I’m always surprised that so few people appreciate my favourite feature of Safari. I use it extensively on both the desktop and iOS versions - the Safari Reader button! It takes a complicated webpage, and reflows the content so only the desired page content is displayed. This gets around awkward zooming, screen…
“I’m not one to normally defend Felix,”
It wasn’t a joke, it had no setup or punch-line. It’s simple hate speech by a hitler youth looking motherfucker.
I’m a literal professional comedian. I’m not sure you have any idea what comedy is about. Putting Anti-Semitism on stuff without any sort of context isn’t a joke
Ok so normally you’d be right for nearly any other youtuber. In this case though, PewDiePie has responsibilities to the studios that signed him. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. You want that money, don’t make racist jokes, even for fun. Not everyone finds them funny, especially since Trump was elected.
I think it has humor because of its shock value, like when a comedian says something heinous, but that’s about it. Also, IIRC the “death to all jews” message told people to subscribe to Keemstar, which is legitimately funny because he’s a piece of shit who deserves to be dragged through the mud. (For more info on…
Scummiest thing an airline ever did to me was bump my toddler from a flight.
You missed out a little with "Find Something you Enjoy Doing". For lots of people, pretty much any athletic activity is going to be meh.
I've had a lot of luck recently by making similar changes. First and foremost, I switched over to diet only soft drinks, I haven't had a "real" soft drink since March. I'm too much of a caffeine junkie to give them up completely.