
I feel like “further off the rails” just doesn’t adequately convey the situation anymore. This train has derailed, caught fire, rolled down a mountain, and derailed multiple other trains along the way

No, it’s just Trump as normal. He’s not America first, president first, conservative first, pro-business first, or anything like that. He’s all about Trump. He’s all ego, hot air, bad hair, and small hands.

Trump is attacking a private company because he doesn’t like the coverage the CEO’s newspaper is giving him.

Amazon and other on-line retailers are a prime reason why the Postal Service isn’t on it’s last legs, after Congress fucked around with their pension funding program.

I’ve been to more than a dozen different countries, and have had to mail letters/postcards/stuff in and out of them, and our post office is amazingly efficient and cheap for all that it does, in comparison. Royal Mail is pretty much at the same, top-drawer, level in my experience. The USPS not perfect, but it’s been

My Breville smart oven air that I bought for $360, can not only toast, bake, boil etc, but also proof, air fry (AMAZING) and dehydrate. That I could throw away my toaster for. And the only time I ever use my oven is if I need to cook something larger than what will fit in it.

This is actually prompting me to pull out of Amazon’s service, and I never thought I would say that. The timing is perfect because I was already on the fence with the working conditions and now this pushed me over. I don’t remember exactly when I signed up but I think it’s been 6 years or so...

I spent years homeless and went without food for 3 days at a time. If he’d done it to me I’d have beaten him into raw mea &.....

Now THAT is a punchable face..

Pretty soon one of these millennial psychopaths is going to kill a man for clicks

The real question is why Youtube still allows this piece of shit’s channel to be active.

Fuck this guy. What an asshole.

Some of us. Some honestly don’t. They are fact blind. Think trump supporters. No facts matter. But the ones who chose not to can probably be persuaded. I know some who have. Thank God for video

Non-engineer here: how is it possible to be this wrong in 2018? My non-engineer gut says you could model this entire thing in the computer, including all weight variance/radiants/G forces/other big words, before even fabricating the first piece. Am I completely wrong?

What if the dog is Jewish?

People in the United States don’t often realize that we’re the only country that expressly permits free speech, legally.

There was a time (Roger Rabbit) when Disney had the shoe on the other foot, and was only too happy to have Warner and other studios join in with them to make something together. Licencing does not mean you do not make money.

Ummm the album covers themselves arw far from original. This is a pretty old motif, especially in move posters. And in particular since “retro” style movie posters and actual proper poster design have become more and more of a TV I’ll be the last few years.

Eh. Somehow, I lived through the great social panics over rap (and Tipper Gore’s eventual push to implement those lovely “Parental Warning: Explicit Content” stickers on albums), Mortal Kombat (seriously, Congressional hearings over that shit), and DOOM without ever developing the desire to harm anyone.

...and I was a