
I don't recall Apple touting Siri as the equivalent of a voice-activated Google search. Apple specifically lists all the tasks it can handle on its website. Why would these test results be the least bit surprising?

Yeah, we've got the previous (720p) version of the AppleTV hockey-puck. I'd be shocked if it wasn't capable of this update, which seems pretty straight forward.

Isn't $299 an insane price considering that AppleTV is only $99? ...or am I missing some special functionality that's worth the extra $200?

I was thinking you could probably simulate this same type of effect on phones and tablets that have gyroscopes built into them. If you were to tilt your iPad slightly then the photo's shadows would tilt the same way. It would probably make the image look mock-3D.

I plan to post a question like, "Does everyone love to eat chocolate?" Then when I get a dozen "Oh God, yes!" comments, I'll change the question to, "Don't you wish you could have sex with Hitler's corpse?" Good times.

"It's something you can put in your lap, and get things done." — Isn't the keyboard floppy? How are you suppose to type on it when it's in your lap? ...or am I missing something?

Swordfish? Porpoise? Sore Face?

The obsolete claim is laughable. The dinosaur relic called iPad still has a better screen than the Surface. It also has an actual price point and a 10-hour battery life. The only major complaint I keep reading is that Apple uses skeuomorphism in their apps. By now, hopefully Apple got the message and they'll clean up

Did they say what the resolution of the screen was, or how long it stays charged? Those are pretty major issues for most people.

Mental note: Don't ever move to Cambodia.

I thought we banned Bill Gates from posting here.

That I'd love to see. General Mills just came out against the possible constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage in Minnesota. So now these bigots won't be able to eat their favorites cereals anymore... while they're not drinking their Starbucks coffee... or wearing Nike shoes or Levi's pants... or shopping

I guess I've been out of the loop. I hadn't heard that they added the emoji right into iOS. I thought you had to purchase it. This is very cool... and will be cooler when iOS 6 "comes out", so to speak.

Apparently in Japan they don't exist :-/

So if the battery is glued on, does that mean that even Apple wouldn't be able to install a new battery? Which would mean that your $2200 laptop would only last a few years at best.

Obviously, if you want to video chat with someone that isn't on iOS you could use the cross-platform Skype app.

Yeah, I'd actually like to have a page of widgets that take up the space of 2 or 4 apps. But then Apple will be accused of stealing that from Metro. So basically I'm screwed... or Apple should just steal the idea and be done with it. Dashboard is on the Mac. So they can say they got the idea there.

No one has ever said that Apple came up with their updated notification system. Everyone knows that Android had that first. However, Growl has existed on the Mac desktop for a really long time. So drop-down notifications aren't really that astonishing to see on a phone... whoever implemented it first.

The SETTINGS button needs to act like a folder, so it displays 8 or 12 commonly used features as icons. Then you could have a WI-FI icon and a Bluetooth icon. Tap on Bluetooth and one of those black pop-up boxes appears, so you can turn it off and on, and manage your connections. Then have one of the icons say ALL

That's true. I recall Steve making note of the fact that Garageband had wood trim on the sides of the screen. Which I guess was to point out how cool and unstuffy the app was... or something.