
Yes! Good on you for going to their school as it’s superb. I did the three day course a few years back and went back the next year for their competition licensing program. I can’t stress enough how valuable the coaching was, no matter where the instructors were—the classroom, the passenger’s seat, the corner stations

Air-cooled 911 on a hot day in Texas. At a certain point you just have to pull over and turn it off for a while.


I’ve had pretty good luck with trackdays myself, so my worst has just been when I was doing shakedowns in my 944 and some silly goose in a BRZ spun into a swamp and shut down my second run one lap in. With rain coming in I just packed it up. Crummy way to end the day.

Wait, that’s a lie, the worst track day was my

No way it will look like that. The roof line will change to be more in line with the Panamera’s to allow for some rear headroom.

Now playing

The pop and crack burble can sound nice, but it’s obvious when it’s artificially induced and not natural a la:

Blasphemy, the 2.5 is the perfect motor for the 944. It makes plenty of power and never has problems and always runs fine and...and...and...sobs

No way José, I took it out for a rebuild for 944 spec racing. Also because why not, it was fun.

Air cooled 911s are a bitch, too. The plugs are recessed in this bizarre cavity in the valve covers, and it’s not a plug shaped cavity. It’s like a cave designed to capture dropped spark plugs.

A 944 engine swap actually isn’t that bad, it’s just that the job goes on...and on...and on...

Saw two of these in great condition on the highway the other day.

This is what happens when you cross a sportbike with a Corgi.

What are you even going on about? People at Jalopnik enjoy cars of all sorts of shapes and sizes, but generally overly-loud exhausts on cars or bikes are seen as a public nuisance. I have a harley that I’m keeping stock pipes on because it’s plain too loud. I have a track car that doesn’t see the street because it’s

Why use welded tabs for shoulder harnesses anyway? Horizontal bar in the cage not at the right height for the seat holes or something?

What’s wrong with this photo? This is just how all 944s look now.

Careful, those are two different velocities. One is engine rotation speed, the other is vehicular speed.

While saying that power isn’t proportional to acceleration because there’s a velocity component in the equation (also, power changes with velocity) is technically correct, it doesn’t actually mean anything. What this article is is a good way for the layman to relate torque, horsepower, and acceleration, and is pretty

Use a quick-release beam clamp between the brake pedal and the steering wheel. Open the bleeder, push the pedal with the clamp, close the bleeder, release the clamp, rinse repeat. It’s easy and takes very little time. With a speed bleeder you can just pump the brakes, too, which is awesome.

No idling in the paddock? Try having an air-cooled motor at a rainy, 45F track day.