“19 Kids and Counting”
“19 Kids and Counting”
It depends on what you value more? People or viewership? Creating a hostile work environment is usually frowned upon (I'm not sure what the rules of law are for England, someone maybe can clarify.) Although that certainly never concerned FOX News re: O'Reilly v. Makris.
Money is a hell of an aphrodisiac.
If my namesake has street cred with Jezzie Lesbos, then all the better.
Average lesbo chicks with hot racks are alright by me! I can look at hot racks with the best of them (BTW, my guess is I'm older than you.)
Please tell me you're a hot chick, or just an average chick...
...or just a chick.
Well played.
Good night clingy ex-girlfriend.
You can't help yourself. The reason I never dismiss you is because I want people to see just how ridiculous you are.
My guess is I've shamed his ass enough for one night and he has crawled back under his stone until the next time I offend his delicate gun nut sensibilities.
Don't nurture what? One of my stalkers?
[kicks rocks] "You guys ruin all my fun!"
See, the best part about this is as follows: I never comment on your threads because I find you uninteresting. I respond to you in my threads because your rants keep moving it up higher on the page. For that I am grateful.
Keep posting. Pretty soon it will be the top comment.
Yet you keep coming back to comment to my thread because your gun nut ego can't take it. For someone that professes to hate everything I stand for, you spend an inordinate amount of time saying that you couldn't care less about my threads....in my threads!
Face it. I own you. Since day 1.
I love the fact that you despise my greatness to the point that you have to follow me around and announce to the world how much you hate that I own you.
I think that makes you the "fucking idiot."
Everyone cares, that's what pisses you off. You call the people that like my stuff, what was it? "Syncophants."
Yet you keep posting to my threads. You are like some clingy girlfriend I can't get rid of.
Maybe I'll screen cap everything you dismiss so everyone can see what a whiny bitch you are.
But you crave my validation. That's why you follow me around like a lost puppy.