Milton Berle's Cock

I don’t fathom why people are giving you shit for this. I understand the point you are making.

On tonight’s episode of “Shit Your Pants”.....

Jet fuel can’t melt helper T-cells.

The sad part is, that’s only half of his alleged victims.

I was thinking it was weird that you were picking a fight with me until the real you messaged me. I think the guy that is impersonating you is most definitely the guy I had to deal with a few months back. I would also bet that he was the fake “Wes Hutchings” that got pissy with you a few days back when he was trying

‘Sup Sepp?

Mrs. Ima Raysist

“What’s a tortoise?”

Thanks! (I think)

Two things:
1) I love your screen name
2) How long have you been around? You’ve been commenting back when I was just a lurker.

Do you say that as a good thing or a bad thing?

Got to make sure I cover everyone he directly attacks.

My troll and I are having it out in another thread.

That is hot. We can still do that if you like :-)