Milton Berle's Cock

This is so goddamned depressing. We have a large Islamic community in my city, and lately I’ve been trying to give every person who wears hijab an extra large smile when I pass them. It’s probably silly, but it’s one of the only things I feel that I can do (besides donating to the Dems).

It’s not true mental illness (and being mentally ill doesn’t mean you want to shoot people, such a bullshit scapegoat) but there’s really something... off about these anti-government, live off the grid types. I am completely unsurprised by all of this information. Nothing good ever comes from strange white men who

Bunch of morons all over the place. The school system taught us all about slavery, took us to plantations, had us read books about it, etc. I’m about as aware of what happened back then as any living person could be and how awful it was. I check back hours later and people are acting like I fancy myself a slave owner.

Replace all cars with guns, for liberty!

What about Lymph Node Seven?

Uncle Miltie has the gyst of it. Conspiracy theories are insidious as they find patterns when there aren’t any. I swear, it’s like nobody believes in Occam’s Razor anymore.

“Ghost writer”!?! Dang it Ray, did you kill him too?

It’s an insane world...

There’s something like 5 guns per capita in Texas. So where were all the “good guys with guns”?!?!

Thanks for the help!

6. “Cult of Personality” - Living Colour.

1. Scientology


If I walk into a bar and I see anybody with a firearm and a drink, I leave. Guys like this are the reason for that policy.

You realize you’ve now ventured into the realm of actually praising the Nazis? Maybe you ought to sit the next couple of plays out.


Best way to survive a mass shooting? Move to Europe.