Well, that escalatored quickly.
Well, that escalatored quickly.
Peter Benchley not robert???
Side note: why has Kinja changed notifications from “Joe Bloggs has liked your comment” to “Joe Bloggs has saved your comment”?
My vote goes to ‘The In-laws’.
Serpentine, Shelly! Serpentine!
Joe Westworld
It’s crap. Martinez was a POS ever since he got rocked in Game 1 and the animosity grew from there. But Yadi’s batflip was great and we need more of that so whatev.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Arozarena,
You do realize that he’s following LaRussa and Matheny on the excitement scale, right? Having a pulse and a body temperature puts him above their level.
Is this just standard “we’re pysched we beat their asses” talk, or is he referring to something specifically?
Say all you want about Trump being the end of times, but me thinking that it was great the Cardinals kicked the shit out of the Braves is way fucking weirder.
The Daves I Know
That's Incredible.
“I haven’t seen a betrayal like this since Kelly slept with Dylan while Brenda was studying in Paris.”
One ping only, please..
You say too soon but you know the Cardinals team doctor is thinking, “Can you believe I had to wait 2 years to get my new boat?”
Congrats to Tony X and his team.
Esa Tikkanen called. He wants his first name back.
Harper is absolutely not a top 5 player. Really. Look at his numbers. He’s had one extraordinary season. As I pointed out above, Jason Heyward was arguably a better, more valuable player through age 25 than Harper was.