
What is Pornhub for, if not for pulling?

R.I.P., seasons 3-5 of Carnivale....

Unchained is the song most hazardous to the speed limit. I’m usually 20 over by the time the lyrics kick in.

I’ve disliked the Nats since they screwed over Montreal, and the single Nats fan I know is possibly the most annoying fan I’ve ever encountered. However, even though they just handed my beloved Cardinals their collective ass, this is a fun team to watch. Good luck to ‘em. 

In this particular case, the second baseman (16) knows that the right fielder (38) is not a strong defender, so he aggressively tries to make a play on a ball that under normal circumstances would be the responsibility of the right fielder. Unfortunately (full disclosure - Cardinals fan) it was out of his reach, but

I thought Carpenter actually swinging the bat showed real growth on his part. Sure am glad they extended him for 2 years. 

Still beats seeing Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore prancing around on our home field filming a crappy movie. 

Exactly this. If you’d told me the Cardinals were going to lose in 4 and nothing else, “offense crapping the bed” would have been my first 3 guesses. 

You’re not wrong, but that’s been going on since they signed him and jacked him around in the batting order half a year into his deal. (Matheny was a complete dick to him for a solid year) After his lost 2018, I enjoyed his bounce back this season. Here’s hoping they can find a team that needs a solid veteran presence

No - the dome is unacceptably substandard at this point and a building a new stadium is a non-starter. Hell, the city government had a hard enough time agreeing to a modest sales tax kickback for a privately funded soccer stadium.

Martinez was mad because he got rocked AND out-hotdogged. Say what you like about “The Cardinal Way,” but it’s traditionally meant ‘win while being a dick,’ not just ‘be a dick.’

You do realize that he’s following LaRussa and Matheny on the excitement scale, right? Having a pulse and a body temperature puts him above their level. 

Stevens would make my list, but we had him here until Bill Wirtz decided to teach the Blues a valuable lesson about signing free agents. Fuck you, Judge Edward Houston.

Yzerman has always been my “If you had one player not named Wayne or Mario to start a team” guy. He was everything Messier was purported to be,

So...Carlos Martinez is white now?

When he was still with the Cardinals, a friend of mine and her gang of miscreants called him “Cookies,” as a play on “Biscotti.” He’s a guy you root for, given the reason he ended up getting traded. 

Couldn’t we just run off a couple of new copies of Sam Wyche every year?

Counterpoint: It’s really hard to successfully defend yourself from a bear attack with a flyswatter.

Brett Hull Hammered is the Stanley Cup version of White Girl Wasted.

No memories about Fighting Back? I mean, why wouldn’t you remember a Death Wish rip-off fondly? 

Numbers don’t back you up on that one, champ.