
I <3 my Verizon FIOS, but their DVR sucked, so I replaced it with a Tivo HD.

If there's one thing I do not want, it's balls flying at my face.

Hey, can somebody lend me a ruler? I'll give it back when I'm done. Honest.

Hmm. I've got a fish pond, but I don't recall my fish ever nibbling my feet when I stuck them in. Any one that's interested is welcome to come over and give it a try.

That was a cool read. Thanks for linking to it.

To be precise, it's the 25 personal computers, not computers in general.

"Man Holds Large Ball"

Well, it was my first time watching it. There were some pretty good laughs. But the plot was just so absurd. And the Auto-Tune! Oh, the Auto-Tune! But, then I'm an old dude who doesn't listen to current pop music, so maybe that's just the way things are these days.

@giese.scott: Bull SHIT! If it's all about making children then why are old people allowed to marry? Why are infertile people allowed to marry?

@pyq1: check out iAnnotate.

@FlowbeeBryant: I'm thinking about changing my registration to R so I can vote for TEH CRAZYZ! Is that wrong?

@McGinge: Overly breasty? Is that even possible?

Us Asians do it similarly in that we warm the pot and use very hot water, not letting it steep too long, but the whole notion of putting milk in your to is strange and disturbing.

Just checked my channel lineup, and no HD. Sorry, Oprah, but I don't watch non-HD TV.

@riotartsquad: They were overheating and dying at a high rate. Here's Gizmodo's story about it.

@Dinkenesh: Ah, the Cat's Cradle. Saw many a band their during my time at Carolina.

@Ibu Smith: Yeah, I'm of Taiwanese descent and have seen many of these types of photos.