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40 years his junior? idk where you got your math degree buddy but she was 20 years old and he was in his mid-40s in 2003. Not getting into age gap discourse, but that’s 20 years not 40 lol

In a completely ‘unrelated’ note: Boeing would also like people to stop saying ‘parts fall off their airplanes.’

awww did the press hurt boeings feefees?

I’ve done this before and did it just the way you said and its glorious. Co-worker was doing the typical Fox News SF crime rant. I said “Yeah, they should be more like Texas”. Guy said “Yeah, wouldn’t put up with that. Texas would shoot them”. And then I hit them with “Actually, Texas lets you steal up to 2000 bucks

And then you have wealthy Republican right-wingers like Michelle Mack organizing multi-million dollar crime sprees across California, allowing other Republicans to scream about how the crime sprees are because California is “soft” on crime, instead of the fact that millionaires and funding the sprees.

Or Temu.

Trump will be using it in rally speeches long after it has been debunked.  And his supporters will believe it.

Yes, Rico. Kaboom.

Well we found a technology China hasn’t yet stolen from us

the Chinese rocket capable of carrying 590 tons to orbit, while SpaceX’s two-stage reusable rocket can carry 605 tons

I’m impressed you think the Chinese bother with such things. :) They carried out this test only a few kilometers away from the city center of a city of more than 800,000 people. That doesn’t exactly scream “safety consciousness” to me at least...

For historical measure, movies released in June Domestic Cumulative Earnings-

but the wga and sag strikes were last year. that absolutely had an impact on productions and what blockbusters got released this year. and thats on top of the wrench that covid threw into the pipeline *checks notes* the year after 2019.

Every nut job has been saying it would fail due to it being “woke”.  You know, “go woke, go broke”.  Guess that was wrong, as usual.

Really annoyed this isn’t out here in Japan until August.

so the problem is not that some movies can and do perform well it’s that on a whole the industry is not. take a look at 2019. NINE $1 BILLION FILMS. last year we had only two $1 billion dollar films. if youncombine inflation (including on ticket prices) we should have already had multiple billion dollar films this

But...but...all the doomsayers have been telling me this summer has been a bust. You know except for this...and Bad Boys: Ride or Die...and Garfield..and The Strangers...

The fun thing about this story is how laughably out of date it was within a couple hours of being posted — DJT was up like 15% premarket into the $40s — ended the day down 10% below $33.  It’s a meme stock, so who the hell knows. 

Biden was prepared for a different kind of debate.

Hey the account formerly known as universalamander, go be a cunt somewhere else.