Dave who likes music

Sure. Actual footage of Kim entering the classroom that first day of class:

This too:

Guys, the Biggest Loser is some disgusting and exploitative garbage, and there are good arguments to be made that they're promoting some really unhealthy and disturbing ideas. But let's not concern-troll this woman who we don't know, and whose health we don't know anything about.

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Quiet Riot is a jumped-up cover band that doesn't deserve to shine Slade's platform shoes.

How cynical can you be that you dislike a yearly program featuring adorable puppies playing with toys that helps raise money for animal rescue?

You guys, I'm half-convinced it's Photoshopped, but I'm still having SUCH a field day scrolling through Twitter right now. Check this out:

LOL domestic violence stalking mental illness LOL

Yes. Wearing hats indoors is rude. Take them off. I don't care if they make your outfit pop.

She was going to post "BJ Competition PS: Don't have herpes"

Uh huh, all those incredibly unattractive women in Bridesmaids ...

When in the entire history of the Grammys have they ever been classy?

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Macklemore is those cis straight males in Toronto (or any other large urban centre or university town) who will introduce themselves as an "ally" and "feminist". I can't with these basic minds and it's merely a continuation of a beautiful tradition that precedes van Vechten and his lot. Also, why do people go gaga for

I am Jack's Gold Farmer. Without me, Jack would not be able to afford reasonably priced raid materials from Auction House to tackle Jack's Heroic Raid Dungeon Instance with Jack's Casual Guild of Vanilla WoW Destroyers.

If you meet up with someone from a dating site, you are going on a date. :headdesk:

"It can still be a date if I order Raisin Bran."

Lindsay Lohan announced at Sundance that she'll be shooting a new film — a psychological thriller called Inconceivable