Dave who likes music

Reminder: all the people that have even heard about "GamerGate" don't amount to any form of significant portion of the population. Even most people who consume video games aren't actually in on all this.

No, but I've met people who don't think that Majora's Mask is the best Zelda, yet I still find it in my heart to believe they're good people. It's tough.

He can dine, but he can't dash.

Eileen, Ikebana. Ikebana, Eileen.

Did you even read this post?

Fetishizing men for strength is also absurd and archaic though. I get what you're saying for some adult men (even though I don't buy the acceptability of double standards), but this stuff is affecting kids. You know, those little boys who we are hoping grow up into men who respect women and themselves, who have

What does just "American" mean? All of America is full of Americans, and American Indian has its own separate color as well.

"American" is that Native or 'Murica American? If so... are they confused or am I?

What does "American" ethnicity mean? Just self-identity?

Serious question, what's the difference between an "American" and an "American Indian" ancestry? Does "American" mean 2nd generation American?

Australia and New Zealand are two separate countries and two very distinct land masses. I said nothing about the "Australian continent," only New Zealand.

Now playing

The cats tried to kill the metal. But they failed as they were stricken down to the ground!

So it's Trucker meets Hurt Locker?

this is a man who is working to stop me from getting married and paid for commercials that imply I'm a pedophile. That sounds like someone who is out to get me. The work he did isn't just a political dispute, it's a direct attack on me. Why would I tolerate it? It's like saying I should tolerate a punch in the face.

Cats come in both liquid and solid form.

Welcome aboard Elizabeth.

Do you have any idea how difficult it was for me to NOT make a penis-size related joke? DO YOU? I'm being a serious journalist here, OK?

Also, can he not afford a hat without a big ass hole in it? Or is that a look now?