"If you think $50 is too expensive for golf, that's just a preference" said someone who doesn't understand that there's a huge social class of people who DO NOT HAVE $50 EXTRA TO SPEND HOWEVER THEY LIKE and therefore it is not a preference.
"If you think $50 is too expensive for golf, that's just a preference" said someone who doesn't understand that there's a huge social class of people who DO NOT HAVE $50 EXTRA TO SPEND HOWEVER THEY LIKE and therefore it is not a preference.
You have to pay huge membership fees at some clubs. It is a pretty expensive sport if you want to play at the nicer clubs..and they historically wouldn't let in women, Jews, or black people. It was a segregated club for rich white Protestant guys.
So... using the example of women who participate in their own circumcisions: is your approach to just be an obnoxious and ranty feminist 101 toward them, too? That seems productive. This was all very productive. You're awesome.
Just to test it for myself, I went to google and typed in, "Why do feminists" and the autofill's first option was "hate fedoras".
Umm...no on LW2. Terrible advice. The answer is to tell your friend that he needs to put on his big boy pants and, ask if dishes have any meat in them and stop making you responsible for his diet. If you want, you can say "hey dude that might have meat so you should ask," but his diet is not your responsibility.
My eyes and brain were just like "We're ... not gonna put that together for ya. Nope, sorry. Cannot do. So sorry."
I mean, Jezebel doesn't say it's feminist either. So.
Having sex to "increase intimacy/bond" makes no sense to me whatsoever. That's like a different language to me. I have absolutely no idea what that's about.
I have like 3 pairs of these high waisted booty shorts. I personally love this trend, i just have an obsession with anything trailer park princessy with a little bit of john waters and some ZEF side on top. I mean this underbutt thing is such a hot mess and as long as the sun is shining my twins are out for this one.…
This seems late to me.
I mean, Greek men turn into their fathers in their mid-twenties—-soon after they kill someone in a fight and then marry the Queen of Thebes.
or when you work in bars. oof.
Castle is delightfully fluffy and good fun.
Damn, Mal's pants are...tight. I need to watch more Firefly!
...who said charm was dead, again?