Dave who likes music

I imagine Ms. Jones explaining this idea to incredulous HBO execs, who say "Rashida, no one's going to believe this stuff actually happens in a nail salon. not even on TV."

Ms. Jones replies, "But it takes place in Florida."

there's a chorus of "ohhhhhh." the greenlight is given.

the good ones.

that's because it's boring and it sucks.

My guess is the reply was good...in theory.

I started turning into my dad around 20, no childbirth required. or marriage/trial by combat for that matter.

also I think that just sort of happens when you're in entertainment.

over/under on Amestoy becoming the next POTUS?

this is actually a thing that my roommate does at our parties. except usually it's Kroger brand, not Häagen-Dazs.

I hope you're not saying the plain-spoken stoicism of cowboys and underdogs is mutually exclusive with wit and charm.

I like this post, so much. thank you, Katie.

I'm pretty sure most of the foods that are commonly thought to be aphrodisiacs are just overall energy-boosters, or at least brain-activity-boosters, in natural form. e.g. figs, dark chocolate, nutmeg, etc. etc.

I'm in a pretty similar situation, sans the boyfriend to pay for things. it's extremely stressful, but you can't give up. I know that's cliche, but if you keep working at it something will come through—until then, budget some time for the people you enjoy. and if they're good friends, let them know about your


I know a guy whose first name is Ardis, and apparently it's actually an old Irish/Gaelic girls' name, which his parents knew and just said "fuck it". maybe Artis is a cognate or a misspelling?

if I had been a girl I was going to be named Stella, according to my mom. but I was a boy, so they gave Stella to our golden retriever puppy.

d-d-double post


I'm all in favor of talking through an emotional situation, but this kind of just sounds like "having a shitty week".