reminds me of that Gawker story from a while back, where the writer recounted her one-night stand with a local comedian whose apartment contained ALL of the Garfield are people like this a real thing?
reminds me of that Gawker story from a while back, where the writer recounted her one-night stand with a local comedian whose apartment contained ALL of the Garfield are people like this a real thing?
you may enjoy this article if you haven't read it already.
"grocery store wine aisles" just made my heart ache a little. fuck you, sunbelt conservatives.
but seriously, this article is spot on—being done with college, I've never been happier that as a young Dave I wasn't on the ezmode conveyor belt to begin with (homeschooled).
the problem is that a lot of Doug's "snark", which (I hope) is meant to be tongue-in-cheek, often comes across as just being mean for the sake of being mean. other Jezebel writers can be mean too, but they generally direct it towards something that probably deserves some meanness (MRAs, conservative politicians,…
I didn't think Peaches' status as Penis Unicorn was really a secret...
kinja is weird and will hide your own pics from you, but other people can see them. if you have Chrome you can test it by viewing the thread in an incognito window. i.e., I can see your tattoo'd and bearded fighting man quite fine.
all I want is for Lena Headey to be cast as the female sexpot lead in every film forever, thanks.