Dave who likes music

"Amanda Bynes" so good.

male emotional pain is funny though.

there aren't even words

I think it's about butts. could be wrong.

thanks! I just recently learned how to meme-ify an image in GIMP and I've been taking every chance to use this new superpower for good.

"if he sends me ONE MORE ascii penis I will cut a bitch"

it's not petty, though. the state of the ATF is pretty dismal and that has serious nationwide consequences.

you really just can't go wrong with Alison Brie.

aaaargh I haven't seen it yet! hopefully Trudy gives Pete what-for!

really, Roots Bistro? really?

at what age did you Jezzies actually start to appreciate alcohol as something more than a molecule useful for frying your brain into next week?

How would isolating a gene make "their efforts" exponentially more effective? You seem to be acting as though there's only one way to use a gene in research.

People are patenting the rights for genetic testing of genes, not the genes themselves.

as silly as the GQ article is, I am immensely entertained by these back-to-back sentences, which completely cancel each other out:

something like this?

What about having sex with other attractive, barely-dressed music lovers who are just as high as you are?

come hither, ye old and ye learned; gaze upon me and my kind, and know despair.

If you're mixing your boozes: Godspeed.