Dave who likes music

didn't we already have The Last Wave? how many more waves are we going to get?!

he said that exact phrase so many times in one sentence, it almost felt like a sort of psychic attrition—"if I say this enough times you WILL believe it!"

I imagine his diary is sort of like this: wakes up in his authentic mountain lodge home, has an authentic mountain lodge breakfast, kisses his authentic mountain

Now playing

I've always hoped I'm not the only one who wastes an exorbitant amount of time on GoT extras such as this. my favorite so far has to be this panel (you know, whenever you just have an hour and a half to kill):

don't mind me, just gonna plug away until I figure out this image upload nonsense...

ETA: figured it out! too bad kinja won't let us delete our own comments...

(insert caption here)

yeah, the results seem to really say "this is the penis I prefer to look at, while it's flaccid."

not quite as relevant as "this is the penis I prefer to have in my vagina while it (the penis) is erect."

waiting for the day when schools institute a dedicated class period for "how to not be shitty towards other humans".

“It’s about kids facing their biggest fears, that’s about all I can tell you,”

I think Brad Paisley just made the short list of "first against the wall" in the inevitable #YOLOcaust.

next in sociostructural evolution: a city's entire population living in a single monolithic structure.

ladies, please wear red lipstick because us guys like to look at it. but don't get it on us because ewwwwww gross!

"a voice for men" because men have no voice in today's world...

photographs of paintings are a great example, but the test of originality encompasses a lot more than that. it basically boils down to the degree of personal expression that the photographer brings to the image (which admittedly doesn't have to be very much) and those aspects of expression are copyrightable, while the

also absent are the Waffle Crisp grannies. mmm...Waffle Crisp...

Doug Barry has a singular talent for appearing to mock the point that he is actually trying to make. this reads like an MRA's attempt at being ironic. unless that was the whole point, Doug is just ineptly working undercover...or maybe his ineptitude at pretending to be feminist is just a coverup for deeper

your perfect use of "supercilious" has me clapping right now.

that annoys me so much. even if you're on a diet by choice, it's just good manners if you're going to a potluck/supper club/whatever that you bring something compatible (but bring enough to share obv). it's not any harder than regular cooking, either—you just need different ingredients.

yeah you got me. +1

the image has to pass a minimum test of creativity to be copyrightable (that's why things like directories and city maps can't be copyrighted)—so you might not get away with it if you're suing for infringement over the average selfie.