Dave who likes music

revenge porn a felony, you say?

my imaginary ASoIaF girlfriend would definitely be Osha.

the only anecdote I have regarding any of these is that the only Rutgers people I've met were insufferable assholes, but that was just two people (plot twist: they were chums at school!). it seems like Syracuse would be a pretty good choice, based on what you've said and also the fact that NYC is just a great place

it was the best of foods, and it was the worst of foods...

"I feel like the ratio of how much I write about Elton John is really disproportionate to how much you actually care about Elton John, but anyway, tally-ho!"

TV actors are generally not rolling in dolla dolla billz the way film stars are, even on a hit show like GoT. such a huge ensemble of stars doesn't help either.

women have smaller brains than men! that's science. (spoiler: the gif is my reaction to what I just said)

down with Frank! up with uppers!

so does half of the greater Nashville area...the awesome half that doesn't give a shit about the corporate country-music mill and doesn't get TV shows made about it. :-|

the irony is that Ke$ha actually went to a squeaky-clean preppy school in the richest and squeaky-cleanest of Nashville's outlying neighborhoods.

I had a roommate in college who couldn't (and still can't) ride a bicycle to save his life.

seriously though, fuck crunchy tacos.

incontrevertible. both the word itself and its meaning have such dramatic flair and decisiveness.

when did she say it was the same guy?

when I found a youtube clip of GRRM reading a completed chapter from book 6, I got REALLY EXCITED and then it was a Victarizzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

the thing is that Doug's big words give a feeling of "this sentence is kinda boring. I know! I'll throw in a word that the average blogger doesn't use much, that'll fix it!"

that's just it. nobody owns a patent on your favorite dog breed.

on that subject, can someone explain to me (an unschooled man-person) why it's such a faux pas to be seen wearing the same dress twice? I know that a lot of women don't feel that way, but it seems common enough that it must have some rational explanation. right? maybe?

it's okay, Rob. we think your Garfield collection is really cool!