Dave who likes music

Dolive writes that he wants his daughter "to know that no matter what underwear she is wearing it does not define her."

sadly the fact is that in a lot of places, all you have to do is crack a "women, RIGHT?" joke for a room full of men and almost all of them will be on your side.

I think crazy_cat_lady said it best: "because patriarchy has taught them that being superior is their birthright."

ugh, I know! why can't we just have the world handed to us on a silver platter with a lid that says SECRET CLUB NO GIRLS ALLOWED


you would have to convince an actor that it was worth their time to memorize that entire speech and then perform it without breaking or cutting.

when there are women who, despite their systemic disadvantages, are more successful than me it logically requires that those women are somehow inherently superior / I, a male person, am inherently lacking. that can be a tough pill to swallow for a lot of dudes.

and such a classic, too! "aw damnit SHE COUNTED TO THREE!"

the picture of Ellen looking at Katy Perry's boobs is priceless. "oh boy, tits. yaaawwwwn."

re: your second paragraph. it's actually a common sound-for-picture trick, used especially in documentaries/news broadcasts/reality shows; a person is talking on screen, and their audio is in sync, but as soon as the video cuts to a different image, a different audio clip (of the same person) is spliced in. prime

"Before this whole thing, I didn't know there were proposal planners," she said. "I thought the guy would just have the creativity by himself. But it was all amazing."

"But he really leaves Cersei out in the wind to hang herself, when a little intervention and common sense talking things through would have helped her."


nerdlinger alert: I make similar choices, with the caveat that I will always buy Old Spice's "Denali" deodorant/antiperspirant in memory of a beloved D&D character of the same name, who died before his time.

I would totally buy a Bro- themed line of hygiene products. Broseidon body wash, Brodin eyedrops & contact solution, Broses athlete's foot cream, etc.

hmm yes perfect.

that little scamp!

direwolves get all the love—what about the aurochs, people?


this is just making me depressed.