Dave In Dallas

Well, yeah, but that’s a niche situation, not “most circumstances.” Thankfully, toll roads are not terribly common in most of the country.

Why in the world wouldn’t you want to avoid tolls in most circumstances?

That’s not in the danger zone?

I’ve cut into and eaten thousands and thousands (literally. Not the new definition of literally, but the literal definition of literally.) of avocados over my lifetime, and I’ve never run across one that was ripe on one end but not the other end.

I’m a big fan of the glasses that basically have the profile of a martini glass, but then there’s a lip that angles in to control the sloshing. I think it’s still a coupe, but the angles make it give off a martini glass vibe. I can’t find a picture of a regular round one, but here’s a fancy diamond faceted one:

I’m a bit saddened that the first two replies you received seemed to have completely missed your point.

I don’t understand how this made it past the editor.  Nevermind the fact that this is one that spellcheck would’ve caught...

6! 6 trees!

I had to write a check for a garage door repair that I had done. First time in at least 15 years that I wrote a check. I had to order checks for my account in order to do it!

Years ago, I was going to a chiropractor for chronic back pain that my doctor and a physical therapist couldn’t do anything about. The chiropractor did some weak adjustments (read: cracked my back) that helped a little. But then he put me on their vibration plate. That did the trick. 10 minutes of vibration and the

Fill it with cases of bottled water? I fill my big freezer with SmartWater bottles that I refill with tap water, leave a little room at the top, and then squeeze the air out before tightening the lid. It packs my freezer to make it more efficient, makes it easy to grab an ice pack to keep my insulated grocery bag cool

I’m not a big redditer, but I think it’s summed up in the article above: Reddit profits from community participation and is now giving the community a big middle finger. The community is responding with virtual activism.


TrendMicro Antivirus has an android QR code scanner app that will tell you if it’s safe before you proceed. I use the Avira QR scanner (but it looks like it’s no longer available). It’s the only way I scan QR codes.

A reverse mortgage is a downright predatory concept.  I’m shocked to see it suggested here.

The slightest pressure will push a sharp knife right through soft foam.  What am I missing here?

I haven’t tried face unlock, and the latest (S23) sensor is greatly improved, but it still sucks compared to the speed and accuracy of a real sensor.

The curved edges of the main screen are horrible. Screen protectors don’t adhere correctly. Phone cases are either much less protective, or block some or all of the curved edge. It offers nearly zero additional functionality, but removes so much. I have no idea why anyone would think they were great, other than to

I have a similar experience with a similar situation for phones. They seem to work pretty much the same.

But while the article mentions other devices (Nintendo?), when it comes to phones, it definitely leans toward bad iPhone experiences. I suspect the writer has only an iPhone.

Auto-brightness works perfectly about 95% of the time for me.  That 5% of the time that has weird lighting conditions, I just manually adjust it with two swipes.  It seems odd to me that anyone struggles with this excellent feature on modern phones.

Wouldn’t you still just tip on the days you receive housekeeping service?