Dave In Dallas

Tried it. Miserable failure.

Most (all?) commercial carpet deodarizer products are mostly baking soda.  People have been using it for decades on carpets, with no problem.  I suspect the issue now is that weak robot and stick vacuums have become so popular.

This could have been a lot shorter: Credit unions are better in nearly every way for anyone that qualifies to join one. If you have a credit union local to you, and you qualify to join, it’s the superior choice. Period.

Dawn Power Wash.  It’s new spray on dishwashing detergent.  It’s magical.  I think someone made an ill-advised pact with the devil to make it work like it does.

The funny thing is that all of the alternatives to sodium chloride are also salts, just different kinds of salt.

That would actually be one of the legal exceptions that allows the police to enter the house/garage without a warrant. Bad idea.

Yeah, this entire “article” is based on a semantic point, which is fine, but if you’re going to do that, you should avoid all of the other technical inaccuracies in the story.

I just want to bring attention to the second word in the name of the thing we’re discussing here. It’s a duty. An obligation. Something that helps our nation work the way it’s supposed to work. Too many assholes try to get out of it, and that’s part of the reason why our justice system is screwed up.

When it’s your

This used to be very common, but every Hilton property I’ve been to for the past 5 years or so has switched to white duvets/bedspreads and they launder it with the rest of the linens. The faux down inside the duvet, not so much.

I suspect most large chains have followed this trend. A good rule of thumb is if it isn’t

Absolutely. Emergency funds are for, well, emergencies. If you’re withdrawing frequently, you’re doing it wrong. I don’t understand the point of your second sentence.

When I was younger, I missed out on a lot of gains when I was keeping 3-6 months of expenses in a savings account. When I was even younger, not having an

A Roth IRA has much of the liquidity of a savings account, but, depending on which fund you choose, also carries risk.  But if you want to invest and also want access to the funds in an emergency, you’re able to withdraw your contributions any time with no penalty.  You just have to leave your gains in the account (or

Same advice applies to crypto wallets on your phone. Except that would be more costly than the simple inconvenience of having to reset passwords at a bunch of websites.

I think cash value insurance plans are stupid. But do the math yourself. Compare the cost of comparable term insurance and the gains on investing the difference in cost in a Roth IRA. Unless you’re so heavily invested that you have no other way to invest more (what a wonderful problem to have!), I think you’ll also

Zelle powers the billpay function at Chase bank. There’s nothing wrong with Zelle. Headline should read, “Why you shouldn’t be stupid and fall for crappy phishing attempts.”

I’ve not noticed a problem with that. I cook in a cast iron pan, which should stay hotter than other pans, but I think it drops down to the oven temperature pretty quick. I like thick ribeyes, and have been searing steaks on the stovetop and then finishing in the oven ever since I saw the very first episode of Good

I’m no English teacher, but as I understand it, English may not conjugate verbs as much or as regularly as other languages (and we don’t gender all of our common nouns), but we certainly don’t say “He swim in the pool,” or “I swims in the river.”

Glad you threw the “if you’re already running Win11" caveat in there. Win10 sends a LOT of personal info back to Microsoft, but you can opt out of all that (O&O Shutup makes it dead simple to opt out of all the invasive stuff). My understanding is that Win11 doesn’t allow and/or make it easy to opt out of sharing some

What an absolutely worthless article for most people.

This site is getting ridiculous.  Lists and articles that most people would want to read are made into videos and slideshows.  And visual stuff like this is described with an article.  Clown world.

I went a bit overboard when disposable masks were completely unavailable. I bought like 5 different orders of masks from AliExpress. They cost like $50, but they didn’t get here until masks were already much more available here. So, now I still have like 400 masks sitting on a shelf in the corner of my entryway. I