Dave In Dallas

Might want to adjust the title of the article to include the word “Bluetooth.”
This list is downright inept if it’s supposed to include surround sound speakers, car audio speakers, in ear monitors, or any type of speaker other than Bluetooth.


Much less hyperbole in this response. The skyrocketing value is BS, but the idea of crypto is not. Decentralized currency has a place in this world. Unfortunately, it’s gained notoriety as a scheme to invest in, instead of being used as intended.

I bought one bitcoin when it was under $400. Unfortunately, when it went up to like $6000, I spent half of it. It was easy to spend. Not sure why you would say you can’t spend it. As it increased on it’s first climb above $60,000, I spent more and more of it before it hit that peak. I still have like a tenth of a

I might upgrade just for the flat screen.

Same question, plus another:  Will these freeze well?  Pumpkin pie custard on demand sounds nice.

Pull through sharpeners (manual or electric) are garbage. They’ll never get your knife as sharp as a pro can, and, as someone else pointed out, they destroy knives with glee.

Sharpening with a whetstone is more of a skilled art than this article lets on. It’s not easy. There are systems (Lansky, etc...) that make it

Serrations help cut anything with a crust/skin. Tomatoes are known for being difficult to slice cleanly because the skin has such soft flesh underneath.

But you’re right, any sharp knife can tackle a tomato. The problem is that people don’t keep their knives sharp.

Protip:  those automatic sharpeners do NOT sharpen

Economic disaster is my biggest worry.

But, honestly, we shouldn’t worry about things we can’t control.  Instead, prepare for them as best we can.

If you have a car with a high compression engine that needs higher octane fuel, can’t you just keep a bottle or two of octane booster for those occasions when, for whatever reason, you put 87 octane fuel in the tank?

The internet wasn’t created as a research system.  It was created to be a communications network that would be difficult/impossible to cripple.

You can also buy a small DC air compressor for a few bucks and keep it in the trunk of your car and never have to worry about whether or not you’re near a free air pump.  You can find them as cheap as $5, but the ones with good reviews seem to be $20-25.

Where do you put the $1000 worth of frozen food while you’re on vacation?

And, of course, when I say free, I mean included in the cost you already paid.  Ain’t nothing in life that’s free...

Yeah, I think the conclusion should be that nitrogen is better, but MAY not be worth the additional cost. If it’s free when you buy a car or tires, it would be foolish to turn it down.

If you have nitrogen filled tires, you can always top off with regular air when needed, and then have that air purged later with

There was a time in my life that I had that sort of optimism.

Yeah, I’m actually south of Ft. Worth.  I just liked the alliteration for my name.  Chisolm Trail and 183 Express are the only toll roads that would help me normally, and they simply don’t shave off enough time to be worth it to pay for.  Pay $5 or leave 5 minutes earlier?  Easy decision for me.

This is the kind of article that made me bookmark Lifehacker all those years ago. Thanks for sharing this great idea!

Sure, but that’s likely your normal commute, during rush hour, so you don’t need help navigating except to avoid accidents, construction, etc...

I’m just saying most people would specifically want the option to avoid toll roads.  I’m not saying that there aren’t people that specifically would want to use toll roads.

Oh, I totally see how it would be incredibly useful for people surrounded by toll roads, but writer’s should exercise some perspective and realize that most people in the world don’t even know what a turnpike is, much less know what it’s like to drive on one.  “Most circumstances” was the wrong choice of words.