
This story has gone from, twins were like 'Oooh squeee, hand holding, awww...' to twins were like 'Bitch get offa me!' in 0.002 secs.

Perhaps it was particularly egregious and in your face, and Bey just sat there and took it and Solange was like, 'Aw, hell no!'

ROFLMAO. The Zapruder film was a lot clearer than this shit tho' and that was 50 years ago. C'mon people. We should at LEAST be able to read lips in some HD from security cam footage, it's 2014.

I think it's because people saw her as the Princess of Pop, while he presented as the older, definitely none-too-attractive Svengali wooing her with Bentleys and millions. They didn't get the genuine attraction - she could have had anybody, etc. they figured. Plus, add in the cheating rumors that never go away...and

I'm thinking people haven't really seen drunks fight before. Girl's aim was perfect and on point, clipped and exact, as was her mouth as her head was moving to what appeared to be clipped speech. That's not 'drunk,' that's anger.

How do you know she was just relying on third person info, maybe the sidepiece was at The Ball rubbing Bey's face in it, and she went off on Jay in the elevator. It doesn't have to JUST be, 'Oh Solange, heard so and so...' I'm sure the sisters are tight, and Solange knows everything about everything.

No one seems to have reported bizarre behavior from Solange at the ball, nor ever in life. Why is she being labeled a drunk irrational crazy person because of a fleeting angry/fight vid? I've never heard that she is afflicted with a mental/emotional disorder such as being Bipolar either — given that, I think it's

It is strange, and it seems to me that means Beyonce might tacitly approve of the beatdown Solange is trying/wants to give Jay.

I think the same thing. I think she'll age like her Mom and Dad who both looked great.

It took this billionaire's camp 3 fucking weeks to come up with that weak ass nonsense? So is he implying he never saw her in pics with people who weren't black? That's some bullshite. He doesn't say don't bring guys to my stadium, he says blacks. Period.

The same way they forgot this one:

Look, Angelina in White — in Paris yesterday with Elle Fanning! Don't know why Jezebel the feministy site has ignored Angie and Elle rocking their premieres for the last few days, and only post her when she steps out with Brad.

...and we say this why? Because he's got a trimmed up goatee like fucking always? What am I not seeing, except the obvious, him not with Anuston for the 10th year in a row?? Yaaay. Lol Is that why u mad?

'Botox' prevents wrinkles by immobilizing the muscles of your face (Botox blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles. The injected muscle can't contract. That makes the wrinkles relax and soften), if you've ever seen Angelina smile, laugh, grimace, or frown - she can make very deep crinkles by her eyes and

Take it, rinse it, slow cook/bake some kind of pork (chops, spare ribs) or kielbasa in it (get those juices/oils mixing in it), and it is heaven. Literally can eat it all, and lick the ceramic baking pan (after it cools off).

Oh I know, he wasn't a bad looking man either. If he had just not messed with his face, I bet he'd look great today, still. sad. Don't get me started on Wayne Newton.

A quick scan of her imdb, shows she's been in 16 feature films since her kids. That's not even counting her 5 eps of Glee, and episodes of The New Normal. In fact, Angelina, another celeb mom who no one really considers being on a break from acting since she's always at the top of those Forbes lists (or they want to

I'm sorry, am I famous now? Why do you keep bringing it back to me? For every topic on Jez, do you give posters a suggestion on how they can improve their lives by 'getting a grip?' What a presumptuous bore of a fucking tool you are. Someone says she has no friends, I say, 'uh, that's not exactly true,' and give

Oh is that how it works? I need to side with child molesters over their now adult victims or else 'I'm not thinking for myself.' Bitch, have a seat. Sorry, but things we KNOW: Woody has already put his grooming skills to use on the teen he had to marry when he took pornographic polaroids of her crotch, and when he

Like you haven't with your 10 billion posts on a fucking celeb gossip board, usually hate ranting at some actress. Bitch have a seat. lol