
One look at Faye Dunaway, should immediately make you reverse. Posessor of the most beautiful eyes ever, was even in a movie about them (Eyes of Laura Mars):

Why hello FF'er — let's see, my post is full of facts and info and you go the brangeloonie route? Fine. Just remember, one reason some stars have superfans, is because they also have superhaters, really irrational, and vile and often racist haters. I just happen to read about celebrities, including 'Brangelina,' who

LOL Paltrow always does this, yeah, like the woman who reportedly STOLE the Shakespeare In Love script off Winona Ryder's coffee table, would turn down starring coveted roles today IF she were being offered them...she ain't. That's the real story. But she always has to make like it's her choice. Bish has been saying

Don't do it...I LOVE hooded eyes, including Jlaws they just need to be made up properly. True story, as a kid, I remember when my crush Don Johnson got an eye job for his hooded eyes back in Miami Vice days.. I literally sobbed. He had always had them, it wasn't age, it was his damn genetics, and they were beautiful.

I'm a cosmetics makeup application stickler and freak TOO, did you see Jillian Demspey's work on Kristen Stewart at The Met Ball, she instagramed it out..? A thing of ART:

I was over on celebitchy and usually a Jlaw topic gets not even 50 posts, I look yesterday and it's nearing 300...then I realized, it was all Angelina on the inside. LMAO #Boss

Except comprehension fail. Your argument isn't so erudite that Lawrence couldn't have said that. Sorry. Instead Lawrence said something different. Don't go putting words in her mouth. She didn't say she didn't trust a girl/woman who didn't WANT female friends, she said she didn't trust a girl/woman who didn't have

Boy, to not have any friends, Angelina's gotten her third recognition from Oscar and is not even 39 years old, SAGS (2 or 4 from her PEERS), Golden Globes, Critic's Choice, CFR Membership which you have to be nom'd for, Her recent Jean Herscholt award nom'd by Katherine Bigelow, in which George Lucas gave her

Hahaha, fail. I don't think that's an exact quote dear.But ok, whatever make you feel better about yourself dear.

That Mindy Cohen story was actually a falsehood, spread by Lord knows who and for what reason. LOL

Bingo. It's definitely a tool of the 'underminer,' of late — especially when used as Chelsea Handbag does re Angelina. First, she doesn't know her, or if she has female friends (I think the women who are Angelina's friends and Godmothers to her children would beg to differ - but again, FACTS are elusive to

Well then why say the shit? It's only to make herself more likable to the very meangirl bitches that would in most circumstances be inclined to beat her up too — she's headed them off at the pass with her ingenious 'rill' persona (always talking about diarrhea, or falling on her face, or being fat - riiight...look

I agree, that's certainly a NICER way of saying something similar - it becomes less finger pointing and more philosophical. It doesn't punish the woman with little to no friends (female or male) for whatever reason and instead, puts the onus on those that may actually be anti-woman. So maybe that's what Lawrence

Yeah, well I don't trust a woman who makes stupid broad generalizations about other women based on zero facts.

Says you: "Yeah, her tutor, who worked for Mia. That's a totally objective source. Or, you know, not."

Soon Yi, is that you?

In the context of this article, which again, is told through a purported sexual abuse victim's POV, who admits to his fear, and describes his early childhood sexual assault restrained by two girls - I don't believe we can say it was 'out of proportion,' for him. For you, for me, it might be. However, we're not

This is why there really is no need for PR agents in the age of social media. This kid, who deserves a chance at being one for as long as possible and probably won't get one in H'wood - like her peers is not very wary of attention, may even court it — and we're giving it to her. Based on nothing.

Nobody is saying it wasn't. We're saying one assault, was in response to another assault - not necessarily because of homophobia.

Well, here's the truth: People that are marginalized will get often unfair punitive measures enacted upon them when they break the law (the whole crack vs cocaine sentencing guidelines), or simply do bad things (see entire country's freakout at loudmouth Richard Sherman) - or sometimes when they're just being good